2 Reasons why YOU are not succesful with woman.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
1. You do not say anything to the girl.

I just went to the grocery store to get my grocery on and I say a nice looking light skinned shawty. I was not expecting to see any honies while grocery shopping so this took me off guard. By the time she passes me I just glanced at her and thought to myself that she is cute as hell. She even came close to me in the meat section hoping that I would say something to her. Guess what I did? Nothing, just finished shopping. The mistake I made was thinking too much. In my head I was like how come I have never seen her before? She looked 26-28? She probably has a man????

Now I don't know what happened to me because I'm usually the first person to put my bid in with a female but I guess a week of doing nothing but homework got me out my zone.

Your not going to get any females if you don't put your bid in. Rejection is only mental. I've gotten rejected thousands of times. I've also been successful thousands of times as well. Your going to miss every shot you don't take so at least try.

In my situation all I had to say was "hey, how are you doing" and take it from there. I got caught off guard and now I got nothing to show.

2. You talk to much.

You guys must understand one of the most important rules of the game. You must let a girl choose you! When your are spitting to a female the way to increase your chances 100% is to get her to be comfortable with you. If your are talking the whole time then how the hell is she going to be comfortable with you. Also you need for her to project her desired towards you. The only way you can do this is to be as mysterious as possible to her. So next time your talking to a female you lead the conversation, you ask her the questions! Make her be comfortable with you and you try to be as mysterious as possible.

When you talk too much to a female she will figure you out quickly. When she figures you out then she will not intrigued with you and she will be disinterested. The girl will also get annoyed with you talking too much. Girls love to talk so let them do it.


I will probably start a journal/blog here so other people can learn. It's basically spring time and everyone knows that's when the ladies come out.
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
You hit on a key point. Downtime from the game always brings rust, it happens to the rookies and seasoned vets. I compare it to an athlete who hasn't trained in a while. It doesn't matter how good you were last season....it only matters if you're putting in the work now to be a top dog.

Also ...about #2....The more you talk, the more rope you have to hang yourself with.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Lemme bump my own izm.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
I would add:

3. Not being sexual. Rookie would say 'Oh, that's easy, I'll just be more sexual'. Not exactly. You must be sexual from the beggining, there's no right time to become sexual so you have to be bold from the start. And it's hard to change from 'I don't wanna offend/spook her' to 'I'm gonna come closer and touch her to see what happens'. Also understanding signals will help you realise the right timing to escalate. You've got nothing to lose.

4. Not being relaxed/feeling under pressure. We've all been there. YOU DON'T have to say the right things. YOU DON'T need to keep the conversation going by yourself. YOU WORTH as much as she does as a human being. YOU DON'T need to prove yourself to her or CONVINCE her of your VALUE. But you MUST work on increasing your value all the time and subtly show it. Let her think that she is the one who is using your time, let her meet your expectations and qualify herself to YOU. Not the other way around.

5. Show her you are the prize (but are you?). Look at her. Her make-up, her necklace, her watch and clothing. What's fake on her? Why should you win her over? Be vague and misterious, leave sentences and your thoughts unfinished. Be the riddle she has to solve. Why would you rush to show your quad aces (if you got them, but, do you?) if you can get more by slow playing them.

6. Improve your life and try to be happy. If you use your brain correctly and know where are you going with your life, you should realise it's up to you to improve. You can't expect to become Don Juan De Marco Casanova Sean Connery whatever you want if you don't put effort in it. Simply improving yourself guarantees nothing, but unlocks doors that you must open. Someday, if you follow your path, you'll be great with woman. But first you need strong foundations and realisations of how things work. Get rid of unrealistic assumptions and expectations.

7. Making a too big deal out of it. B1tches are superficial. Sorry. That's why ugly boys are alone and Cristiano Ronaldo look-a-like posers get 2k likes on fb. KEEP IT SIMPLE. What happens happens. Take a long-term perspective and always question your decisions and it's effects on your life. Make yourself a happy, satisfied person (and build some muscles and money).


And stop being passive, because...
Winners see the gain, losers see the pain.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
Damm good thread.

About #1, there's hundreds of times where I could have gotten with HBs but I never had the balls to initiate contact. I remember several times when girls would give me very confused and disappointed looks since they were previously giving me all the "Come hither and talk to me" signs (and very obviously I might add since other guys would pick up on these signs and start giving me confused looks too as to why I wasn't approaching those girls), but I never had any self-esteem to approach. One girl actually kissed me out of the blue one time, but I still didn't have any faith in myself to go after her. I really kick myself in the arse for those times.

I'm working on building my self-esteem though. I only have to stop thinking about the mistakes I made in the past. I think that's my biggest failure.

This site has really helped me, knowing that there are other guys out there going through similar problems and still willing to help others out.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
I'd like to add one more thing to this thread.

JohnChops said it right. I've learned you have to have that positive mindset constantly 24/7. You always have to expect a HB to be anywhere and you have to be always ready. Just because you're going to the grocery store at 9:30 at night doesn't mean there won't be a very cute girl shopping too.

It's almost like a combat mindset for soldiers. You always have to expect someone is trying to kill you. Thus for DJs, you always have to expect a HB waiting right around the corner (for you as a confident man to approach them). I've learned that girls really do want confident guys to talk to them. They consider it very bold when you just approach them out of the blue.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hell yea, RJD

Rejection is way better then regret.

I hate beating my mind up after I didn't open a good looking chick. It just messes up my whole day!! Even though this doesn't happen to often it still sucks when it happens. Just messes up the whole day. I could have had another co-operative chick on the team. A girl that can potentially bring stuff to the table.