2 Girls, 1 Love


Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
I seriously made a big mistake this weekend... and now I'm sitting between two chairs and I can't find a solution, maybe some of you can help me out...

...well, a few weeks ago I met a very special girl on campus (I already mentioned her in another thread). We are together now for about four weeks and even tho the relationship is not perfect, I'm feeling her VERY much and I guess I'm even in love... as crazy as it might sounds! We will call her GIRL NO. 1!

But last Saturday she REALLY pissed me off! She picked me up around 8 pm, we took a walk on the beach, talked, kissed, etc.... and afterwards I was expecting her to spend more time at my crib, but she said that she has already promised her best friends to visit one of their parties! Well, around 11 pm I was alone at my crib and she was chilling with her friends... you can imagine how mad I was!

After this disappointing experience I decided to go out as well and have as much fun as possible... and now the problem sets in: in one bar I met a very sweet woman, we talked for about an hour, then drove to my house, and then we had the greatest sex ever! She's 26 and therefore she had some crazy moves in her bag, if you know what I mean! We call her GIRL NO. 2!

Now the first problem is that I betrayed the girl that I'm in love with (GIRL NO. 1) and my bad conscience is killing me! Even tho she treated me very bad on Saturday, she already wrote me very sweet messages again and I doubt that it was her intention to hurt me.

The second problem is that GIRL NO. 2 seems to be interested in more that just a ONS. She's sending me messages all the time, giving me compliments, and trying to arrange our next dates! She's very sweet and we even have a lot in common, but I'm just not feeling her as much as GIRL NO. 1! I know that I have to tell her that I'm not interested in a LTR with her, but I don't wanna break her heart... she's already very attached to me!

How can I get my good conscience back and how can I get out of that situation without hurting anyone???

I'm thankful for every advice!!!


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Québec, Canada
Hello 23*

I would date both girls. You aren't married to either one of them and it is the perfect way to let them know that you will not kowtow to either one. Just don't make any promises to either one so as not to get their hopes up and so that you do not have to break your promises in the future.

It is possible that one or even both of them will choose not to pursue with you, but possibly not if you are honest with them that you are seeing other girls. If one of them opts out, the other one will be glad that she will have prevailed.

Though you are fixated with #1, I think you have a better thing going with #2. She's not playing games with you and behaving possibly like a mature woman. with her you will get the better life experience.

Have fun young man.


Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
First of all: thanx-a-lot for your advice, libre! I truly appreciate your words!

I would date both girls. You aren't married to either one of them and it is the perfect way to let them know that you will not kowtow to either one. Just don't make any promises to either one so as not to get their hopes up and so that you do not have to break your promises in the future.
...this sounds very good and I guess it would be the best thing for me as a DJ! But the problem is that I'm just too romantic... I don't know if I can act 'normal' around girl no. 1 and let my passions flow when I just had sex with girl no. 2! Maybe I will try this tho for a certain amount of time...

Though you are fixated with #1, I think you have a better thing going with #2. She's not playing games with you and behaving possibly like a mature woman. with her you will get the better life experience.
...that is very true and it makes the whole situation even more difficult! If girl no. 1 would treat me like girl no. 2 treats me, everything would be fine! Sometimes I even think I should end my relationship with both of them and try to find another girl... but I'm not sure if that will truly solve my problems... to find a perfect girl is not very easy!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
get a grip man!

You get to bone two chicks.
This is not a bad thing. This is gooooooood :)


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
South Africa
Dawg! what's wrong wit yu? yu got yoself 2 hoez for the price of 1! ain't nuthn wrong wit havin 2 or mo chicks at one time (i don't mean to brag, but i got 3 hoez myself, well at least one hoe and 2 chicks) my advice to yu is just let it flow and as for yo fear of yo concience, shut it out and try to enjoy yoself as much as possible with either hoe. hey who knows Girl #1 mite dump yu and yu've got yo ass covered wit Girl #2.

I got hoez, in different area codez - Nate Dogg


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Northern VA, US
I can't believe this is the advice he's getting when he's making it clear that he does not want to date both girls. Listen, even though you did such a horrible thing as betraying a girl, I am glad that at least you have the conscience to admitt that what you did was wrong, VERY wrong. Lets swap shoes for a sec here, how would you feel if you found out that your girl cheated on you that night? Horrible, right? Would you want to know? Probably yes, even if it hurts you. My suggestion is tell the girl what you did, plain and simple. Why?

1.Because if you don't, you'll carry this in your conscience for as long as this relationship lasts, and since you know you got away with it, you'll keep on doing it for as long as you get caught.
2. You might think your feelings for this chick are strong, but I think they are not as strong as you think they are. Someone who is truly in love does not even think of the possibility of cheating, even if "it's in your nature".

So go along and chose what you want to do. But keep in mind that honesty and communication are the key to a relationship. good luck


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
u get mad cuz ur gf made a promise that she kept.... And then u go and bone another woman... Man if she had kalled u a lying cheatin ***** or smuthing like that then u have a reason to get mad, just cuz she kept a promise she made to her best friend isent a reason to get mad... in my oppinnion this is all gonna blow up and if i was u id rather tell her first then let her find out from someone else....


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Northern VA, US
Originally posted by Morphiex
u get mad cuz ur gf made a promise that she kept.... And then u go and bone another woman... Man if she had kalled u a lying cheatin ***** or smuthing like that then u have a reason to get mad, just cuz she kept a promise she made to her best friend isent a reason to get mad... in my oppinnion this is all gonna blow up and if i was u id rather tell her first then let her find out from someone else....


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
You are 20. You are not gonna marry either of these girls, so stop taking them so seriously. You met this girl four weeks ago and you are in love already? What are you, 12? You are not in love, you're infatuated, snap out of it. Instead of acting like you're married, live your age, and ENJOY what life has to offer.

Don't do anything stupid like confess sh!t to either of these two girls. Despite what people tell you, in this case, truth will not set you free, it will pile more sh!t on the pile for you and the girls. Suck it up and live with the guilt of your mistake, no need to f*ck up either of their lives with honesty.

Personally, I'd keep seeing the 26 year old. If this Girl #1 was so great, she would have invited you and some of your friends to the party. I can understand not inviting you if it was a girl only sleepover or some sh!t like that, but it's a party. I don't see why she wouldn't invite you except maybe because she's either ashamed of you, or wants to look single for all the drunk guys that try to get inbetween her legs.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by 23*
I seriously made a big mistake this weekend... and now I'm sitting between two chairs and I can't find a solution, maybe some of you can help me out...

...well, a few weeks ago I met a very special girl on campus (I already mentioned her in another thread). We are together now for about four weeks and even tho the relationship is not perfect, I'm feeling her VERY much and I guess I'm even in love... as crazy as it might sounds! We will call her GIRL NO. 1!

But last Saturday she REALLY pissed me off! She picked me up around 8 pm, we took a walk on the beach, talked, kissed, etc.... and afterwards I was expecting her to spend more time at my crib, but she said that she has already promised her best friends to visit one of their parties! Well, around 11 pm I was alone at my crib and she was chilling with her friends... you can imagine how mad I was!

After this disappointing experience I decided to go out as well and have as much fun as possible... and now the problem sets in: in one bar I met a very sweet woman, we talked for about an hour, then drove to my house, and then we had the greatest sex ever! She's 26 and therefore she had some crazy moves in her bag, if you know what I mean! We call her GIRL NO. 2!

Now the first problem is that I betrayed the girl that I'm in love with (GIRL NO. 1) and my bad conscience is killing me! Even tho she treated me very bad on Saturday, she already wrote me very sweet messages again and I doubt that it was her intention to hurt me.

The second problem is that GIRL NO. 2 seems to be interested in more that just a ONS. She's sending me messages all the time, giving me compliments, and trying to arrange our next dates! She's very sweet and we even have a lot in common, but I'm just not feeling her as much as GIRL NO. 1! I know that I have to tell her that I'm not interested in a LTR with her, but I don't wanna break her heart... she's already very attached to me!

How can I get my good conscience back and how can I get out of that situation without hurting anyone???

I'm thankful for every advice!!!
um what did girl #1 do to you that was so bad? she didn't do what you wanted her to do? how dare she.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
damn it i was hoping to offer a unique perspective !

but nooooo MindOverMatter has to post the same advice that i would give you

ok all his post was gold but i want to beat into your head one point about girl #1

Quote : MoM
Personally, I'd keep seeing the 26 year old. If this Girl #1 was so great, she would have invited you and some of your friends to the party. I can understand not inviting you if it was a girl only sleepover or some sh!t like that, but it's a party. I don't see why she wouldn't invite you except maybe because she's either ashamed of you, or wants to look single for all the drunk guys that try to get inbetween her legs.

i would keep seeing girl number 2.

number 1 has a low interest level in YOU and might be a cheating b*tch

girl 2 is best sex ever and is looking for love.

girl number blew you off with a LAME chick excuse i have heard

1,999,865,345 times in my life


coming from a young woman it is usually followed by something of no real MEANING

ie. sorry i can't go out with you my mother is cooking a lamb roast

sorry i promised my best fried becky i would watch sex and the city with her tonight. i know you bought $80 tickets to a rocket concert 4 weeks ago after standing in line for 9 hours just for my birthday present


what a load of horse $hit !

and as MindOverMatter pointed out girl #1 could have invited you to the PARTY....no..... she is ON THE PROWL BROTHER BEWARE !

she is out hunting for fresh meat

if you lack the skills to juggle 2 women at once i suggest you bet the farm on girl #2

girl #1 is working on your replacment ;)

Lost In Translation :D



Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
hey you keep talking about this love thing:

well I will give u a comparison.

ive been with this girl for nearly 2 months now.

and she has never 1 time left me to do soemthing else.

has sacraficed much sleep to be with me

has given up time with her family and friends to see me...she is a very family orientated person

she lies to her parents 1 time a week to spend the night with me.

(this is a big one..because she said she even feels slightly guilty for it..because she is a family girl..but she knows its right for us to have that time together)

she drives 40 min to see me atleast 2 times a week.
(thats 1 way) so 80 min..with these 2.40 gas prices is pretty costly.

this girl loves me.

the other night I was testing her..by being completely opposite of myself she started to cry...she was afraid I was going to break up with her.

I wanted to test her interest.

which is extremely high IL.

does ur girl number 1 that u LOVE..do this?


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Northern VA, US
The point is not how much this chick loves him. He is currently in a relationship with girl # 1 and he has cheated on her. She did nothing wrong but to attend her friend's party. So what if she didn't take him? I'm pretty sure there have been more than one instances when you guys have ditched your girls and have gone to a party. So if you think that girl # 2 is the best choice, I agree, you have cheated on # 1 and you don't deserve to have her so be a man and break it off and go with the wh0re who slept with you on the first night...anyways its all about the good sex right?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21
hey you keep talking about this love thing:

well I will give u a comparison.

ive been with this girl for nearly 2 months now.

and she has never 1 time left me to do soemthing else.

has sacraficed much sleep to be with me

has given up time with her family and friends to see me...she is a very family orientated person

she lies to her parents 1 time a week to spend the night with me.

(this is a big one..because she said she even feels slightly guilty for it..because she is a family girl..but she knows its right for us to have that time together)

she drives 40 min to see me atleast 2 times a week.
(thats 1 way) so 80 min..with these 2.40 gas prices is pretty costly.

this girl loves me.

the other night I was testing her..by being completely opposite of myself she started to cry...she was afraid I was going to break up with her.

I wanted to test her interest.

which is extremely high IL.

does ur girl number 1 that u LOVE..do this?
hey pal. i share the same. well almost
my gf lied to her parents twice to come see me and stay over two nights. it's nice isn't it. lol.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by HeartlessBtch
Someone who is truly in love does not even think of the possibility of cheating, even if "it's in your nature".
so true. i'd never think about cheating if i was in love. if i was so in love why would the thought of seeing another girl come to mind? no thanks. i don't cheat. fuking evil.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
She did nothing wrong but to attend her friend's party. So what if she didn't take him? I'm pretty sure there have been more than one instances when you guys have ditched your girls and have gone to a party

honestly I wouldnt go to a party without her..unless I was only there for to see old friends or my current boys....

i dont feel any need to go out and flirt with a bunch of women at a party behind her back.

she is in college..wat do u exspect?

so true. i'd never think about cheating if i was in love. if i was so in love why would the thought of seeing another girl come to mind? no thanks. i don't cheat. fuking evil.

I will tell you what..I have cheated on more than 1 women ive considered my gf...and the girl im with now.I do love...and I wouldnt cheat on her for any reason.

I think ur a drama queen prolly..or to sensative