Originally posted by aequitas
plz be so kind as to share with us your 1st time having sex (Eg: what was it like? what did she have to say? did u "come" too quicly? were u able to "pleasure" her? how did it feel? where did it happen? what leaded to it happening? do u regret it? how long did it last? did u have any difficulties? )
Looking forward to your replies
In a tent, on a mountain, in Tennessee.
It was uncomfortable.
She said "be quiet" (she was the sister of one of the guys I was at the 'Outdoor Therapeutic Program' with)
I came about 15 minutes into it.
I assume I pleasured her.
It felt great. Though it was about 15 degrees outside - at least one part of me was getting warm.
It happened in my sleeping bag, unzipped, in a tent, on the side of a mountain near Bucksnort, Tennessee (look it up... Three Springs Outdoor Therapeutic Program).
I was the 'DGL' (Designated Group Leader) of Nendawen (our group's name). Aaron was a NGM (Normal Group Member), and his sister happened to be very hot. She and her family visited rather frequently. Now, I'd been away from
all female contact for nearly half a year at that point, but I still have a picture of her, and I'd still do her, so I'm very proud of myself. After all, after half a year... you'd do just about anything with a coochie.
Of course I don't regret it. Why should I? I was only 14.
It lasted about 15 minutes, as previously stated.
The only difficulties I recall were that my sleeping bag wasn't big enough. Nor was the military-style cot.