1st number close

90'til infinity

New Member
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
hey, i just had my first number close that went a little something like this. So im chillin with a friend, and we decide we wanna roll a blunt so we call a dude drive over and I see a guy and a girl HB8 walking on the sidewalk of the apartments, made eye contact driving by, to my surprise they are meating the same dude. As i'm parked they proceed to all walk over to my car introduce themselves and get in the back along with the dude. I roll the blunt, drive over to a nearbye park spark up. Now im a freshman in college and the girl is a sophmore in hs, I see her sending me IOI's as we pass the blunt just eying me, but not smiling, but more so smiling with her eyes. anyways as they decide to leave to another person's house, they give us a hug, and as i hug the girl I ask her for her number close to her ear. I chose to do this rather than upfront ask since there were three other guys, one who i assume was gay the guy with the girl. but the point is that was the first number close i actually ever attempted that succeeded. I still have'nt txtd her my number im thinking i'll do that in a couple days.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Kill 2 bird's with one stone and make it your first Fvck close too man! Good job braa

EDIT: yeah the age gap is pretty off putting...stay in that college age zone

90'til infinity

New Member
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
ye forsure, i went to a party tonight and took her there and most of the night she was sending me IOI's like she wanted to straight ****, touching my hand when i was close to her, but i realized in my blazed drunken state that i don't wanna **** a high school chick, so i di'dnt pay her much attention , little conversation here and there but nothing more. there were other girls that were more outgoing so to speak, that i was trying to figure out, i attempted and had some conversation but they were more attracted to a pimp at the party, pimpist guy ever ,dude brought a HB10 over and eventually told her to **** off because she questioned him, i mean yea im trying to get there. And i believe i'm off to a good start, once winter break is over i will approach every girl i make eye contact with.