There is a difference between can and should when it comes to money. Just because you can afford a sweet car does not make it a smart thing to do. Monthly payments are a trap. The insurance on that car will be insane, too.
Save your money. Stay debt-free. And when you do take on debt, make sure that it is for an asset that goes up in value, not a car or other fun shiny thing. You are getting to the point where you could actually buy a house with that money instead of a car. Yes, you, own a house. It can be done if you save your money, keep a steady job, and don't fvck it all up by buying a car. I am giving you advice that is way over your head. When I was your age, I would not have listened. But ask Str8up or S1nn3r or anyone else here with a little financial sense, and they will tell you that an expensive car is a poor financial decision.