12 year old Pick up Artist, Lil McKell...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Bah, those videos are retarded.
Not saying he won´t grow to be a mega-player. But women react to childrens antics in a "it´s so cute" way, they are patronizing him.
Its almost as disturbing as those beauty pageants for 6 year old girls behaving and looking like wh0res.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2009
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Copacabana Beach playing Butt Samba with Brazilian
LOL this is funny, I love how the idiots are saying this guy will have superbeast game when he gets older, I doubt it very much. Lets see what happens when he understands how women really work. Ofcourse they're going to stop and talk to a cute and cuddly object on the street, he has a danger scale of 0%!

Everybody thought that little kid from Sister Sister on Nicklodeon was going to have major game when he gets older, yet we haven't heard squat about him?

Plus, where does it say he is a 12 year old Pick Up Artist? Its just a kid chatting up girls in London and am I meant to think he has major confidence because others have said it? No I don't. and as a matter of fact, he has no danger towarda anyone. Obviously girls are not going to be mean. Auditoning and performing infront of thousands is confidence, ask Justin Beiber. A 12-year-old JB will put this guy on his back LOL.
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Not to hate on the kid, he's gonna get his money in this industry someday but he's displaying no skill besides confidence (which is great for his age) and was clearly just brought into this

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Adonis PUA Trainer said:
Not to hate on the kid, he's gonna get his money in this industry someday but he's displaying no skill besides confidence (which is great for his age) and was clearly just brought into this

His skills are his confidence and his lack of fear of rejection. those are skills many guys twice his age dont have...


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
Copacabana Beach playing Butt Samba with Brazilian
J Roc said:
His skills are his confidence and his lack of fear of rejection. those are skills many guys twice his age dont have...
Thats bull.

If confidence was that easy to get, we wouldn't need these sites. Every guy and every AFC would be getting laid. He's just a little kid that theses women find cute, and even then they don't even find it cute, look at the girl ont he phone. She's thinking WTF and its a parody. Ofcourse he's not going to have fear of rejection, what grown woman is going to say "I'm not interested" or "Go away you little squirt" to a twelve year old? He has ZERO threat to him!

Think about when you were younger and how mouthy you were to your elders? I know I was, are you going to call that confidence to? Be realistic.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2009
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im from london lil mikel is certified ladies man my lil sisters know him and when he was 11 he apparently had a 14 year old girlfriend

and he is apparently like this in real life my sisters say he tryed to chat her up shes 16


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
J Roc said:
His skills are his confidence and his lack of fear of rejection. those are skills many guys twice his age dont have...
Fear of rejection? For real?

Yeah, because there was actually some possibilities that a 20 something year old woman would fvck or get romantically involved with a 12 year old boy or see him on that perspective. So yeah, there was a lot at stake to begin with.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Imagine if this kid has the same confidence to holla at hundreds of women in a day when he hits 18 yrs old. He will be very successful in the game and you guys know it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Man there's lot of hate in this thread

The fact is this kid is doing something that 90% of this forum is afraid to do. Anyone who has done Daygame knows that it takes big balls to approach. The fact that he is 12 and his demeanor is so calm says a lot about him. I only saw him flinch/stutter once the kid is a good example for lot of us that Child like confidence can go a long way


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Man there's lot of hate in this thread

The fact is this kid is doing something that 90% of this forum is afraid to do. Anyone who has done Daygame knows that it takes big balls to approach. The fact that he is 12 and his demeanor is so calm says a lot about him. I only saw him flinch/stutter once the kid is a good example for lot of us that Child like confidence can go a long way
But at the same time, if ANY DUDE goes up to a girl waiting for the bus and says, "If I was your boyfriend, I wouldn't let you take the bus" is going to be perceived as a desperate AFC. Why? Because you already mentioned the word "boyfriend" upon just meeting her. It just reeks of "loser line."

Besides, this kid had absolutely nothing to lose because he was hitting on 20-30 year old women. He already knew every single one of them would reject him. He was just having fun because he can always fall back on the "just wait 6 years ladies and I'll show you."

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pimply_Pimp said:
But at the same time, if ANY DUDE goes up to a girl waiting for the bus and says, "If I was your boyfriend, I wouldn't let you take the bus" is going to be perceived as a desperate AFC. Why? Because you already mentioned the word "boyfriend" upon just meeting her. It just reeks of "loser line."

Besides, this kid had absolutely nothing to lose because he was hitting on 20-30 year old women. He already knew every single one of them would reject him. He was just having fun because he can always fall back on the "just wait 6 years ladies and I'll show you."
Yes it is just Fun for him and he is practicing his game and seeing what type of responses he gets from these women. Like some of the other posters said he is doing approaches that 90% of adult men wouldnt dare do. He can run this same game on women ages 12-15 and have a very good success ratio.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Pimply_Pimp said:
Besides, this kid had absolutely nothing to lose because he was hitting on 20-30 year old women. He already knew every single one of them would reject him. He was just having fun because he can always fall back on the "just wait 6 years ladies and I'll show you."

The part that I highlighted is something every guy should remember, whether your 12 or 112, when you approach a woman you have nothing to lose, [URL="http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=115091"]read this[/URL] that post I think does a good job of explaining that. Once you carry that mindset there is no such thing as fear of approaching women, and you realize how silly it truly is to be afraid to approach women once you have the ultimate confidence in yourself, at times though we forget cause humans are very ego invested.

Funny how you mention he got rejected, I saw him facebook and number close a couple of the chicks, including the last one with the nice bubble :D


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
Solomon said:
The part that I highlighted is something every guy should remember, whether your 12 or 112, when you approach a woman you have nothing to lose, [URL="http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=115091"]read this[/URL] that post I think does a good job of explaining that. Once you carry that mindset there is no such thing as fear of approaching women, and you realize how silly it truly is to be afraid to approach women once you have the ultimate confidence in yourself, at times though we forget cause humans are very ego invested.

Funny how you mention he got rejected, I saw him facebook and number close a couple of the chicks, including the last one with the nice bubble :D
But also remember, he's just throwing all his darts at the target and hoping one hits the bullseye. A true Don Juan only goes after girls he wants, he doesn't go up to every single one he sees just for the hell of it.

Otherwise, you're one of those guys that people say "Your only criteria is that if she has a vagina, you're in" to.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pimply_Pimp said:
But also remember, he's just throwing all his darts at the target and hoping one hits the bullseye. A true Don Juan only goes after girls he wants, he doesn't go up to every single one he sees just for the hell of it.

Otherwise, you're one of those guys that people say "Your only criteria is that if she has a vagina, you're in" to.

Like I said before hes doing this for fun which is why he is allowing himself to be recorded. The point is hes approaching women and putting his bid in with them in a calm and collected but funny manner unlike most adult men. go lil mckell gooo!!!:woo:

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
He'll be very confident with women if he continues on this road. Now you guys say it's easy but how many of you were talking to women when you were 12? How many of you actually even talk to women now? He is a 12 year old with bigger balls then most men. As he grows older his success rate might shrink with the friendly convo part as he grows but his confidence will definitely grow