
  1. S

    Kind of friend zoned? But she acts like she likes me but not enough...

    I know a girl who I've known for years now. I've never been able to meet her in person because she lives in California and I've always lived in Florida so she was always too far. She was calling me every single day at one point but I guess I got tired of things not going anywhere and started...
  2. B

    The 9 outta 10 that got away? Oh and I smashed my windshield....

    One day I was going to meet a friend on spring garden road, I was there first waiting for her and I saw this amazing girl at least a 9 out of 10. I started to talk to her and we talked for about 2 minutes and then suggested we sit down. After I had her sitting down it was very easy to talk to...
  3. B

    Friend zone fun

    I tried to make this short, but... Worked with a girl a few years ago...she was way young (16 - I was 27...21/32 now) back then so there was nothing there obviously except her being my buddy at work. Fast fwd a few years...I moved away and she had just gotten out of a long relationship and we...