white knight

  1. Masculinity

    Tupac on being Blue Pill vs. Red Pill

    Tupac's perspective of women before and they burned him. It serves as ultimate proof that even a high-value male "alpha" with money, fame, and status, women will friend zone and walk over you, if you if you're an AFC, white knight or blue pill. Gentleman, stand up for yourselves and don't...
  2. AlphaNate

    Nice guy gets blasted by his princess on social media

  3. Maximus Rex

    Sav-A-Hoe White Knight Gets Killed Over Getting Involved in Others People's Business

    ‘He thought he could help’: Concealed carry gun-wielder intervenes in domestic dispute and is shot dead," https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/05/03/he-thought-he-could-help-concealed-carry-gun-wielder-intervenes-in-domestic-dispute-and-is-shot-dead/ Good for his dumb ass.