
  1. resilient

    Meditation November 2017 Challenge

    Similiar to our NoFap challenge, meditation November challenge will be to practice meditation daily to help it become a habit. I used to be disciplined with meditation 5~25 minutes a day for a while until I let life get busy and it fell out of habit. I can remember feeling more chill and...
  2. resilient

    The calm thread of relax

    Dating can be stressful. We help each other out when we need help or a different perspective of looking at things. Sometimes we just have to step back from it all and recharge. Physical exertion in martial arts, hitting the weights hard in the gym, running are some of the best ways to cope with...
  3. resilient


    Anyone good and consistent with meditation? I've tried to meditate here and there a few times in my life. One month shortly after I first joined SoSuave many years ago, I did a 30-day to success challenge of meditating daily for a month. At first it was 5 mins, then 10, 15, 30, and finally 45...