plate theory

  1. Luigi Evrard

    Non commitment to girlfriends

    Hello everybody, I am wondering if I should be open to discuss to my already or potential girlfriends that I am not a committed guy in terms of my relationship status. Honesty, is of course, essential between inter-sexual relationships. Even so, should I openly address it or keep it as a mental...
  2. P

    conveying non-exclusivity to plates..

    Rollo says man should convey non exclusivity from the outset to avoid any future awkward situations. But it has to be done subtly and covertly. If done overtly, most women would reject such relation consciously, as it conflicts with their pride and self respect. My question is how to do that...
  3. xuzaki

    Hurting a girl feels like a sh1t, even with abundance

    Like many guys here, I discovered the red pill after a traumatic break up where I learned "hypergamy doesn't care". I won't repeat my life story, but it's relevant to say that the terms Beta Game, Scarcity Mentality, and Oneitis all applied to my life up until then. I'm 28. I quickly went...
  4. xuzaki

    Question on Plate Theory

    In Rollo Tomassi's "The Rational Male", he describes plate theory where you are with multiple women. Women's mating strategy is hypergamy, not polygamy like a guy. From my experience and as Rollo advises, I don't directly communicate that I'm seeing other girls, but every girl seems to...
  5. N2Deeep

    Red Pill Awareness/Plate Theory in Practice

    So, I read "The Rational Male" and "The Rational Male: Preventive Medicine". I know I should see myself as the prize and that women operate based on a feminine sexual strategy of Hypergamy. So now knowing all of this, what should my game plan be when I go out? I still have a need to want to...