
  1. sharkfinale

    Lookmaxing experiment

    I have never really been the type of guy that takes good care of himself. Except for lifting and playing occasional sport. During C-19 lockdown, I came across video on YouTube on mewing. Seemed interesting. And started practicing. The thought process was what have I got to loose and it does...
  2. J

    Watch how Finding girls is in 2023 (VIDEO)

    I don't want to end up like this guy..felt chest pain from this
  3. O

    Making a test profile on a dating app

    I wanted to get an idea of how my good/bad my looks are and was thinking about making a test profile on a dating app. I was thinking of putting my location in some distant city/country since I want to avoid possibly embarrassing myself with people who might know me, and since the only purpose...