
  1. reality250

    If you lose your ability to catch fish, your woman will seek another fisherman`?

    Me 33-year-old man with a business background and a wife, also a professional nerd, discussed my interest in Pickup and open relationships with my wife and a divorced best friend (W35, my best friend from high school). I suggested that as long as he is game for sex and not a relationship, I...
  2. reality250

    How can I keep this lifestyle simple, how do people game in open relationships?

    In the next months, I will be going out, to improve my communication skills and also to live a bit outside my open relationship... we still love each other, and she accepts I am still gaming for just fun. The main problem is, that I almost have NO sexual desires and can't follow up with the...
  3. reality250

    Should I ever tell her about my kid and my Open Releationship?

    Hey guys, I will meet a 22-year-old one and I thought before we meet each other and I start building deep comfort (telling about myselft etc) should I be completely authentic and tell her about my life partner or not? What were your experiences?