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    Introduction and first few questions

    Hello guys, I am a 22-year-old kissless dateless virgin living in the USA, and am also about 4/10 in looks in my own opinion, have Aspergers’ Syndrome, and am only 180cm tall. As you may expect I have gotten virtually no success so far, have become completely Blackpilled, and WOULD have gone...
  2. A


    Hello all. I'm new here on the SoSuave forum. Just thought I'd join this forum instead of reddit or similar forums so I can get authentic discussion on intersexual dynamics. I have a few field reports I'll post every now and then so I can get some outside perspective on the experiences I have...
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    Introduction: A way to the light

    There is this man who stood in the deepest shadows of a tunnel. He has no shape and no form. He is tall and yet he is short. He is colorless while having colors. His face is a blur, he could be anyone. At the end of the tunnel there is a light. A light that gives him shape, color and form. The...