
  1. S

    How to REKINDLE a relationship after overstepping boundaries?

    Hello, I'm new here, so I'll introduce myself. I'm an autistic and young guy, and it's been 12 days since I started talking to a woman I met at a geek event. She's 20 years old, tall (5' 11''+), beautiful, sexy, has an amazing personality (a bit silly, you know? outgoing?), smart, etc., etc. I...
  2. S

    How do you get her back after "let's be friends" in Western-world pickup?

    Hi, guys! I'm from Ukraine (Europe) and I'm wondering what the current trend in Western-world pickup is regarding situations when a girl offers you to be "friends" after some period of communication. If you do not consider the option of simply forgetting about the girl, but want to try to get...
  3. D

    A friend in need... Indeed?

    There is a problem that needs a resolution. So I come here to you, brothers, for advice. But before the main point, a background story. I was 18 and just had a transformation from being a fat, shy boy to being a socialite. This is partly because of the fact I got rejected from a crush I had on...
  4. D

    Next date with her friends?!

    Hey, I have a woman in my life which I initially saw as a friend. After some talking and nonsense games we started doing fun activities together like once a month for about 4 months. Last time I tried to initiate some physical contact which she neither declined nor returned. This time I was...
  5. C

    Friendzoned After Sex.

    Greetings everyone! I have a problem and I don't understand what's happening. I'm a fit 54 year old male who exercises daily, usually yoga. Women tell me I'm handsome. In early February I met a woman who is the same age as me on a Saturday morning and wound up spending the weekend with her at...
  6. B

    Did the right thing? The 2-hour friendzone

    Its been a while since I posted, greetings to all fellow DJs! Met a girl on Tinder, dated for about 7 months. Broke up twice. Both times she broke it off. Both times I went NC and moved on. A week ago she whatsapps me a photo we took together, we started talking, met her yesterday evening. She...
  7. resilient

    Patook app - No flirting allowed

    Patook A new app that has been in development for a year lets you befriend others. It works a lot like Tinder so I'm told. Flirting isn't allowed and you can flag a message for flirting. Lol! :lol::rofl: Story...
  8. B

    The 9 outta 10 that got away? Oh and I smashed my windshield....

    One day I was going to meet a friend on spring garden road, I was there first waiting for her and I saw this amazing girl at least a 9 out of 10. I started to talk to her and we talked for about 2 minutes and then suggested we sit down. After I had her sitting down it was very easy to talk to...
  9. B

    Friend zone fun

    I tried to make this short, but... Worked with a girl a few years ago...she was way young (16 - I was 27...21/32 now) back then so there was nothing there obviously except her being my buddy at work. Fast fwd a few years...I moved away and she had just gotten out of a long relationship and we...
  10. G

    Calling a man honey/darling

    Hello, I have this girl. She's a solid 6 and I'm not attracted to her sexually. A while ago we had a conversation on the phone with her bf. After that she called me again to settle things once more. On that occasion she called me a word meaning honey/darling in front of her bf. I think this is...
  11. D

    Problem with Escalating, two dates and no kiss

    So a little background about my situation, I met a cool girl and I invited her out for dinner and we went bowling afterwards. We had a great time, we were flirty, laughing, and I sensed the attraction levels. At the end of the night, she hugged me in the Uber and said she would like to see me...