first date

  1. CyrusTheGreat

    Is it harder to sleep with women in late 20s/early 30s on the first date?

    I've had limited experience sleeping with women who are in their late 20s/early 30s. Prior to this I was usually with younger women and they ended up in my bed pretty easily on the first date. However, with women in their late 20s/early 30s, I haven't landed a first date sex so far. I have to...
  2. CyrusTheGreat

    1st date is a few days from now. What to do meanwhile?

    I'm kind of new to OLD, and I've had some moderate success getting dates this week. But I've got a problem, and hence I'm here asking for some help form you DJs. I just set up 3 1st dates with 3 chicks from OLD. All 3 venues are cafes near my place at 5pm, lol. Since I'm busy with parties and...
  3. D

    First date mistakes?

    I am in my early 20’s very new to this community and just starting to take dating seriously while halfway through the Rational Male. I asked this girl out the other day I met on Hinge (I know I shouldn’t be using them but just as a backup until everything goes back to normal) to go out on...
  4. TheNewStyle123

    Critique my date...

    What's going on boys. I feel like I am becoming a frequent poster on here - haha. Newly separated and getting back into the game so all the advice is majorly helpful. I wanted to get everyone's advice on my date last night and give me tips on what I could have done/should do in the future to...
  5. TheNewStyle123

    Back in the game and new to the 'manosphere'.

    Hi everyone! I want to take you through my first date since my divorce applying the principles of 'The Rationale Male' and all of the great advice seen here on I got married at 24 years old (27 now) and just recently divorced my wife as I found out she was cheating on me for the...
  6. R

    Are afternoon dates a bad idea?

    Hi guys, I’ve been reflecting on the time of dates. I like afternoon dates as I can spend decent time with a girl without going to bed at 1a, however they seem to be less effective than evening dates: less sexual vibe, at some point both of us need to have dinner but do not necessarily want to...
  7. G

    Need advice on what to do next

    Hello, everyone! I'm a young guy (19) and I've been reading everyone's advice and tips in here, which I thank you all for. I have been reading "The Rational Male" which led me to Sosuave. Anyways, enough of that. I met this girl through Instagram and she is from Argentina (she's going to...
  8. F

    Live Far Away First Date

    Hi Everyone, Happy 2019! I went to a music festival this NYE and met a really cute girl there through a mutual friend. We really hit it off with lots of mutual touching and strong eye contact, she definitely wants me but I didn't kiss her because my friend has hooked up with her before and out...
  9. Fzatf

    Being Sexual with Women

    I was rereading the dj bible and got to a part that told us not to talk about DNA or other intellectual topics with women. We're to be sexual leaders as men. I'm starting this thread to ask for tips on how you guys find yourself being sexual with women rather than just being friendzoned as a...
  10. F

    Is Meeting at My House A Turn-Off?

    On Wednesday, I was texting with this girl I met at a bar last weekend and she agreed to come to dinner with me next Friday. She lives about an hour from me and she agreed to drive to have dinner around my area. Here's the final snippet of my convo: me: Sounds fun. How about next Friday then...
  11. marmel75

    Great first date apparently for this guy...

    Wow...guess she didn't wait a few weeks or months to show she was a psycho...LMAO... Article should have been titled: "When attempting to 'wrong-hole' a chick goes bad..." hahahahaha
  12. K

    Girl asked me out on Tinder

    Hey ghys, long story short... I am Bulgarian who works and studies in the UK. I matched on Tinder with a girl, British girl. I messaged her first with simply "Boo" and she responded relatively fast. Anyway we started chatting, not all the time, maybe 5 texts a day, not more since I am...
  13. AJHook

    Going Dutch. Feedback is valued...

    Greetings all! I've been reading on this forum for a while now and recently decided to join. This is my first post and I'm going to dive right in: I personally never, if only rarely, pay for the woman in the early goings. In some places, paying for the woman is the cultural expectation. In...
  14. E

    Do you pay for first date

    There is rather firm consensus in community that you do not pay for drinks in the club. I agree with that. I am not sure whether you should pay for first date when you ask girl out e.g. to caffe or not.
  15. B

    First Date LR: The MILF strikes back

    Met this super sexy MILF from OKC and I knew it was going to be on from our texting leading up to the date. She is in the process of getting a divorce and told me she hadn't had sex with her husband in over 5 years...I'm sure she probably was banging other guys in the meantime but she told me it...
  16. B

    FR and becoming exceptional on first dates

    Met up with another new chick today...crossfit chick and she was in shape and kinda muscular, which I find really attractive for whatever reason...tight little body, tight butt, tattoos...she was kinda reserved at first but convo started flowing and we both had waters, usual, the date...
  17. pyros

    girl wasn't responsive to my kiss

    So I had a date with this 26 years old chick I met online. We seemed to click very well while texting and when we met in person we clicked very well again. I took her to have a coffee (just to filter her in case she was weird or something) and after that we went to grab a drink to another...