
  1. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    Hey guys. I've been in a 13 year LTR, of which 7 years married, 4yo boy. It's been a year or so since I started reading RP material. NMMNG, WISNIFG, Sex God method, The Rational Male for the sole reason return to the good old days when my wife initiated sex. Problem is, after getting sexlife...
  2. D

    When should you ignore a woman?

    When should you ignore a woman? How long? What has your experience been?
  3. resilient

    NC, IDGAF, Scarcity in Attention When Treated Poorly

    It used to be when a man was treated poorly by his main plate or plates in general, he would hold back attention, be less available, IDGAF, spend time with other plates, radio silence, or go full NC for a while. In the past, I felt like full NC/ghost/ignoring messages, etc. would surprise them...
  4. I

    The nature of the threat: Disrespect

    The nature of the threat If a man is in awe of a woman, and a woman knows her own nature, there is no way she can respect that man. She knows she is fundamentally not worthy of that man’s affection and respect. When a man looks at a female, he looks at the final product: the clothes, the...