
  1. D

    Friend Zone - Move on or Challenge Accepted

    Typical scenario: Guy likes a girl. Became friends with her. Was too much of a wuss to confess due to insecurities. Waited too long (more than a decade). In the meantime, went on to meet other girls (unsuccessfully). Realised that his feelings for the first woman (a decade turns into adults!)...
  2. MessedUpLearner

    Destroy your fapping and porn addiction.

    There are a lot of information discussing masturbation in this forum. BUT this is not a ****ing discussion this is a CHALLENGE for those of us that are at home in quarentine during the virus situation and for one reason or another have returned to watch porn and fap like brainless monkeys...
  3. resilient

    Meditation November 2017 Challenge

    Similiar to our NoFap challenge, meditation November challenge will be to practice meditation daily to help it become a habit. I used to be disciplined with meditation 5~25 minutes a day for a while until I let life get busy and it fell out of habit. I can remember feeling more chill and...