blue pill

  1. J

    I made a new pill

    Its called everyone is a normie Plenty of AFC in the world as well as couples humans have same desires ,why need for such hate towards one another?
  2. J

    Girl calls me arrogant good or bad? rp bp

    I think I changed alot of my blue pill thinking to red pill. What I realise now after a while that I talk a lot ****y&Funny with girls. Not a good example but today me and a girl were mocking each other a bit and she said she didnt sleep well today and I said oh im so sorry for you i will cry...
  3. D

    Does anyone here believe pair bonding for life is possible in the current climate?

    Just curious to see what others have to say.
  4. D

    Why are blue pill men so stuck?

    Why are blue pill men so stuck in their frame? I'm in a men's group on facebook. A lot of the guys are cool, but there is a loud minority that cannot get out of an aggressive beta mindset. If they don't like what you're saying they ask for scientific citations or MSM links. If you waste your...
  5. Masculinity

    Tupac on being Blue Pill vs. Red Pill

    Tupac's perspective of women before and they burned him. It serves as ultimate proof that even a high-value male "alpha" with money, fame, and status, women will friend zone and walk over you, if you if you're an AFC, white knight or blue pill. Gentleman, stand up for yourselves and don't...