advice for women

  1. C

    An awkward situation that happened to me recently. What would you have done?

    Hello! I just want to get a neutral perspective on a situation that happened to me recently [21/M] I was on a bus going home from college for some holiday we had in Europe. I'm sitting in the middle of the bus when I notice a beautiful brunette girl about my age entering the bus. We make eye...
  2. indoubtman

    Her materialism makes me sick.

    While I was at work, my girlfriend called and asked me to buy two plane tickets for that Ukraine ski trip. I wasn’t shocked at how demanding my girlfriend may seem. She has become like that since I pampered her with everything she wants. She often tells me to buys these and those. She has become...
  3. student2018

    Planning on making a documentary for thesis. Need help!

    I’m currently having a thesis project for my 4th year in college. I’m an art student majoring in cinematography and I decided to go with some sort of documentary as my video presentation. I was thinking that since I’m half-American, half-Filipino, I’m interested in making a short docu. about...
  4. sweetchild35

    My kids are looking for a father figure

    I had a divorce a year ago. I have 3 kids in my care. One is 6 years old, second is 5, and the last is still 2. To be honest, it’s tiring at times but I’m working hard for them. I don’t want them to live with nothing in their tummies and pockets. I guess with my work, I can sustain their needs...
  5. L

    I seek a female version of "PUA" - things that can influence relationships to become better.

    Hello PUA members! I am a new member on this forum. Female. Got fascinated by PUA because my brother by accident discovered trolling as an arrogant guy turned on women and ever since had a lot of fun gaming women online. Improved his skill by testing and later PUA forums. I played a fake PUA...