Average Height and Weight for Men and Women ages 20+ (United States)
Height: 5'9" (69.1 inches) /1.76 m
Weight: 180 lbs / 82 kg
Height: ~5'3" (63.7 inches) /1.62m
Weight: 152 lbs / 69 kg
Just to put forth an example:
Here's an email I received from a Danish guy, who I hung out with for a few hours and kissed in a bar while on holiday in London. He lives in Denmark, his 'calling' refers to calling me in the US from Denmark.
Dear 'schwan',
I am...
Have you ever met someone whose poise and presence makes them seem taller than they really are?
Sometimes there are guys that are so charismatic and put together that you perceive them as a larger physical presence.
I think a lot of it has to do with how you carry yourself.
A 6'5" guy (1.96...
I'm an American girl, and I've spent some time in Europe, (maybe not enough to make vast generalizations) but I would agree with the earlier Northern Europe vs. Southern Europe.
Although, I think the 'confidence' of men from Latin cultures (Spain, France, Italy, Portugal) can sometimes be a...
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