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  1. P

    Is Working Out THAT important for being a DJ ?

    Pedro whatever it is your saying has no weight. It’s a fact Training improves mental and physical abilities. So why wouldn’t you think that would have a drastic effect on every other aspect of your life. I think your content where u are in life and that’s great however a lot of people feel life...
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    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    Last Friday forget Desieals guide! How I’m I not supposed to challenge my maxes after being a week off Dealift warm up Deadlifts 180lbs x 6 190 x 4 200 x 3 Triceps dips X 6 X 6 Bent over long bar row 50lbs x 6 75lbs x 6 Triceps Extensions 30lbs x 6 (bad form on both...
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    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    My forearms are the one area of my body that I’m insecure about. I’m sure their not that small but my obsessing over the years has convinced me as such. If I do a lot of reps like 15 with the overhand wrist curl at 5lbs they get a little sour. I’ve tried with 15lbs but that’s back when I was...
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    skinny guy journal

    Gav: I just came back from resting a whole week off the gym. I didn’t rest my body as much as I should of but I got a couple days of doing jack $hit. I read up on Max-OT and they said after a break u come back bigger and stronger. I didn’t gain a pound but the stronger part remains to be seen...
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    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    Aahhhhhhhh feels so good to be back in the gym. Man that week off felt like it would never end. I’m so excited about the next three weeks coming up in the gym. I have this feeling I’m going to see gains like 2 to 3 pounds a week like when I first started. Plus I have a lot more different...
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    More reps, sets or more weight?

    Can someone please define “one set to mucsle faliure”.
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    skinny guy journal

    All I have to say is wow I weight about the same as both of ya but on deadlifts and benches u guys have 30 pounds each on me. Good job on hitting 160
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    Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal

    Nice pics all the muscle on your body show really well. Yah I have to agree with gav your legs muscles look great. (also not in a gay way) The only muscle that show on my body are biceps, chest, shoulders, not to say I’m not gaining everywhere. I’d say your bf% 8-9 if you took those pics while...
  9. P

    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    Yah that was my chest and bicep day, I don’t use barbell cause I’m intimidated with out a spotter when increasing weight. When I get to six reps I just stop but I’m usually pretty close to failing. Here’s what I did last Saturday roughly The first time I didn’t write it down, I guess I was...
  10. P

    change your thinking change your life

    I like myself I like myself I like myself :)
  11. P

    Help! I've never exercised!

    When your jogging wear as much clothing as you possibly can that will still allow you to jog. Make is so it feels like your running around wearing a miniature sauna with a hole in the bottom for your legs. Good luck
  12. P

    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    Here’s what I was up to last night at the gym. The place was packed at night I had to wait a couple times to use benches and weights. I significantly lowered my sets and it felt real good. After I left the gym I was energized instead of dog tired. Warm up press sets DB Bench press (each)...
  13. P

    Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal

    Double those types of “friends” are not worth having around. You should excommunicate people who don’t encourage you. But then again you can use him as motivation knowing one day you’ll rub that success in his face. Good tips on squatting ill use them
  14. P

    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    Yah the Db deadlifts do kinda feel like a waste of time because the weight to light and I don’t have the grip to hold more weight. I’ll add these to my repertoire Stiff leg deadlifts with straight back (barbell) Pull-ups/pull downs Dips+weight Military Press (barbell) Leg lifts &...
  15. P

    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    WTF are u talking about. I am doing 3 sets for each exercise for my major compound movements. Are you saying I shouldn’t do more then 6 sets for a big muscle group like the chest. Explain in layman terms I am still pretty new to BB. Now im just getting frustrated, I’ve been around 160lbs for...
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    Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal

    Lifeforce your journal is an inspiration man. Your before and after picture is just nuts man, you should put that on your wall to remind yourself the things you can do once your mind is set. When you did those squats do you go as far down as possible. When I do squats with heavy weight I go...
  17. P

    Peter Parker Weightlifting Journal

    Here is the latest with my routine. My weight is hovering between 160lbs and 162lbs I’ve kind of hit a plateau in the last two weeks. I thought I would be at least 165lbs right now. All 3 sets max 6 reps Day 1 Back, Triceps, Traps DB Deadlifts (70lbs each) Deadlift (150lbs) weight is...
  18. P

    Growing a beard

    LOL good to know
  19. P

    Holy ****!

    I heard creatine fvckes with your muscle memory. If you stop training your muscles mass will be less likely to retain. I’m a newbie so what I heard could be BS. But if you think about it any shortcut you take on your body has to leave you with some shortcomings. I was going to take it too, if I...
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    Besides my first couple of days at the gym I have never felt the need to take glutamine. I didn’t know it doubled as a anti-depressant and aphrodisiac. Will it have this effect on everyone?