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  1. T

    Girlfriend not interested in sex....

    This made me laugh! Good point!
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    21 yr old virgin

    For those who are worried about penis size as indicated by their posts, here are a few sites to check out.
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    Oral sex diccussion

    I have had a little bit of experience having sex (I am 21 years old, by the way) but I have never eaten a girl out and I think that I plan on trying it with this girl I've been seeing tomorrow night. Firstly, if the experienced members here could give me any pointers that would be great...
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    post your WEAKNESSES

    1-Age. I know this might sound stupid at first but its not. Girls my age (19) just go for older guys and I will be at a significant disadvantage b/c of this until I'm older and have my own place and such (I'm currently a university student). 2-Kino. Until I have messed around with a girl a...
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    Why you must dress better...

    Abercrombie isn't dressing nice dude, thats what 13 year olds wear to "fit in" in 8th grade. Pick up a GQ or something, most of their outfits can be replicated in a department store for a reasonable cost.
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    Yet ANOTHER IMing/Instant Message Thread

    IMHO instant messaging is a big no no for dating. You can get away with it in high school sometimes b/c everybody is so immature, but its bad. Just being online all the time is bad and they can see how much you're on and you should want to seem busy.
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    If you want to keep your GF, don't tell her but never put yourself in a position like that again, regardless of the alcohol or the hot girl who was trying to seduce you, nobody had a fvcking gun to your head, you made your choice.
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    Your outfit

    congrats, you dress like 2/3 of the other guys in high school.
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    The Prom

    Yeah, you don't want her, I'd ignore her and not chat online until she comes to you to try and find out what the problem is. She's a cold hearted bytch if she doesn't give you an answer soon. Even if she says yes, don't take her to the prom.
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    size does matter?

    Ha, I REALLY thought this was going to be about penis size given the title. Height is a good thing to have but there are MANY other physical and personal attributes which are equally important. A lot of girls will even date a guy shorter than they are, just dont act insecure about it b/c they...
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    question 4 the expierenced....

    Yes, infatuation is, in essence, being in love with the idea of being in love. Apodyopsis, I'm a little confused. Are you with a particular girl that you wish to develop a more meaningful connection with? I think theres too much of a safeguard taught on this website about never getting...
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    The Top Misconception Men Make About Women

    Actually no I didn't. If so post a link to where I "stole" it from. I'll bet you can't.
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    The Top Misconception Men Make About Women

    Oh, it it. But I only know this because this exact situation happened to me. Maybe other men can learn from MY mistakes. I know I have.
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    The Top Misconception Men Make About Women

    Photo 1, you do bring up some interesting points. No, you don't have to date anyone you don't want to and you should weed out the lyers. However, these days that is not always possible. I think everyone on this board who has been with a few girls has been taken for a ride, so to speak...
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    The Top Misconception Men Make About Women

    I'm talking about a woman's interest level. The vast majority of men just don't get it and try and rationalize a woman's blatent signals of low interest, and often even disrespect. Heres some of the misconceptions they make. 1.I'm her boyfriend, so she must have high interest in me. Although...
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    Thoughts about David DeAngelo and Double your Dating? [merged threads]

    Dont buy it, I did (but for under 40 bucks) and not only was there no new information that isnt common knowledge from this site, many of the claims they make about what the book will do arent even mentioned. Save your money, it can be better spent.
  17. T

    Why do I fear rejection so much?

    Man, dealing with the rejection of a person that YOU DONT EVEN KNOW is nothing. I imagine you havent ever been in a serious relationship b/c the very first time you get rejected by a girl who you thought you meant the world to, you wont even worry about what some stranger thinks. Just go for...
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    25 Key Rules For DJs

    You guys just reminded me of a very important rule of mine which should be added to your list 26. Once she's giving you the feeling that her interest level may be fading, chances are more than likely that it has faded or is gone. You can just feel this one in your gut, and it you're wondering...