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  1. J

    what is wrong with ladies help me guys

    hello again its your boy. coming throught with some more of life's moments. this time i think i can say im honestly over this i need love please let her text me ns. lmao i find it funny how they tell you stuff. (they meaning women) remember this broad i have been trying to explain. ha i just...
  2. J

    what is wrong with ladies help me guys

    can anyone tell me what afc means or how to look up the post thx
  3. J

    what is wrong with ladies help me guys

    alright i hear you guys maybe i need a new frame of mind to think with or view them differently. i have bben reading the dj bible and it makes sense and squirrels i hear u. and to riding the lightening i was home schooled so alot of life lessons have passed me by prom home comeing so expierence...
  4. J

    Most commonly asked newbie questions answered right here!

    dear mr reeves thank you for bringing structure to my torn and twisted male philosophy im learningg by the letter it makes me sad and happy because i can releate to these expierences one at a time this OG material. it 2010 and im barely catching on but betterr late than never.
  5. J

    what is wrong with ladies help me guys

    i really am at a loss of words here any feed back from male or female is welcome im open to critisim negative or positive its just it makes me so sad to know she will treat me like this i just wwant to know why
  6. J

    what is wrong with ladies help me guys

    yo whats up im 24 i live in texas and am single at my job there are alot of chicks some hot some not but one in particular i have had some feelings for for a minute. its f'd up because she is kinda flirty and ive heard stories about her with other guys being a nice guy idiot i still pursued. now...