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  1. N

    Martial Arts: Zui Quan

    You're a moron, and a liar. Period. -nihil
  2. N

    Please help me. I'm a fat 23 year old and I don't want to be this way anymore

    I'm quoting this for emphasis. Although it is possible (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) that you have an underlying thyroid condition that crawls your metabolism, the only other explanation is so outlandishly unlikely that it doesn't even really deserve mention, and that's a medical condition related to undue...
  3. N

    Martial Arts: Zui Quan

    Here's the thing: Zui Quan is one of those things that, if self taught, could easily lead you to injure yourself accidentally. You have to have an incredibly strong core and sense of balance to execute even the simplest moves. And you have to be fluid. A lot of falling down, and flipping around...