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  1. D

    Ending Relationship For "Irrational" Reason

    Still haven't done this yet. I am starting to become AFC over this sh*t. This weekend I am going on a cabin trip without her. Meaning there are lots of girls that want good sex. I am also DJing so I know girls will want me. I want to do this before this weekend but can never bring myself...
  2. D

    Do dreams relate to every day life? (long read)

    lucid dreams So here I sit, 230 am, a day before my midterm (I am 19). I have not had a dream like this for maybe 10+ years. I am about to recount to you a summarized version of what just happened...probably the scariest/wildest thing of my life. This is a short/1st edit version of my dream...
  3. D

    Ending Relationship For "Irrational" Reason

    Thank you for such a helpful response. I feel that this is a great idea. My only concern is that I will botch it up and say something that makes me look weak. Another thing, since we are in college we end up having sex drunk a good amount. Should I wait to drop this on her when we are both...
  4. D

    Ending Relationship For "Irrational" Reason

    Changed username to this. I will be replying using this one from now on.