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  1. M

    Self Improvement Plan - 2011

    Nice list man, you're on your way I see you got the right attitude. You know how it is, you can take your height as an obstacle or an advantage, one of my best buddies is like 5'4" and gets as many girls, even more, girls as us 'average height' dudes cause he's not insecure about it at all...
  2. M

    Becoming a player. Mr. P's Journey.

    Haha sorry should have made that clearer, I was at a massive beach event, not a bar. Was pretty much packed with girls from 16-30.
  3. M

    Becoming a player. Mr. P's Journey.

    Hey MrP, was just checking out this thread and wanted to say what's up and good work so far/keep going. Your last post clicks with me, I'm 17, my standards are extremely high too, and it seems if I'm at a place with 100 attractive girls I set the bar at the top 3; as was the case this new...
  4. M

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    I had managed to get out of a class and go to this girl I had a thing for where they were basically doing nothing. So we sat down, there weren't enough chairs so we were both squaashing into one. While just playing with her I grabbed my iPod and we listened to some Nelly while chatting. She...