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  1. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    Any ideas why this would happen? The only thing I can come up with is that she's grown too comfortable with the way things are, and isn't allowing the relationship to change into a sexual one. Is this fixable? Or did I mess up too bad and wait too long to fix it?
  2. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    Tried Escalating...She doesn't let me lift her shirt. I can get underneath it but can't lift it. She also doesn't let my hands go down her pants in the front or back, although she lets me play with her ass. She still continues to makeout endlessly with me. What should I do?
  3. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    Was going to go for it today, but she's on her period. I just ended up testing her. She doesn't react badly to 'incidental' stimulation of her crotch by my forearm (when laying down) and held my hand where it was when i had it on her ass under her pants. looks like i was just, and still am a...
  4. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    I'm probably just thinking too much about the situation, but I heard that not having it ready and on hand can really ruin a moment, but a moment can also be ruined if the condoms are found. Anyway, i probably don't have much to worry about in terms of all of this and should just work on getting...
  5. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    I meant where to keep them...Haha. I have a box already.
  6. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    I'm going to go for it the next time we makeout...which will probably be the next time we see each other because she tends to be all for that. What about condoms? Is there any real good places for them?
  7. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    Alright...I'll amp up the communication as well as the sexual escalation in my relationship.
  8. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    Should I just go for it? Or should I talk to her about it? haha, your post confused me a bit.
  9. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    I should probably add that I keep having this feeling that if I hadn't waited so long, and then went for it before she had already assosciated making out with not having sex, then the situation would've been different, and I wouldn't have such a great fear of rejection, but I'm probably wrong...
  10. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    I know it seems kind of silly, but it really is a lot different, (and feels a lot better) to have a bunch of people, rather than a bunch of books reinforce my thoughts. I don't know how I got myself personality-wise into this hole, but I've realized that even AFC's go for it, and get rejected...
  11. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    I'm more or less around the GTA, i live in durham region. And yeah...skydiver, I kind of agree about how ridiculous the whole thing is. I'm having a hard time rationalize my fear of being rejected, because, it seems there's not much rationality to it.
  12. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    I think, I'll have to just take the plunge as Mr_Rogers said. If I encounter any problems I'll have more questions to ask later on :D but, I'd appreciate more advice if anyone has any- it seems that the answer to this is pretty straightforward, and I just need to go for it, but it did help a...
  13. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    In terms of testing the waters like you said, should I go slow with sexual escalation? Like, instead of suddenly surprising her and touching all those spots I never used to touch, spread it out over the course of a week, instead of an hour, or a day? Or does it not really matter at this...
  14. M

    How to Seduce/Fclose My girlfriend

    First off, I should start by saying I am a virgin. However, my GF is not. I have loads and loads of knowledge in terms of PUA and techniques, started reading it all when I was even just a kid, but my problem is I have no experience, and lack of experience creates hesitation. Anyway...I've...