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  1. K

    Fear of failure: The greatest fear of all?

    yo! Just trying to keep this discussion at the top of the list!
  2. K

    Fear of failure: The greatest fear of all?

    Good post! Deep dish, that was one of the better posts I have seen in my nearly two years of mostly lurking here. I was involved in a serious relationship 5 years ago. I invested a lot into it emotionally and after it ended I was a wreck. I vowed NEVER to let a women play my emotional strings...
  3. K

    Fear of failure: The greatest fear of all?

    Sucess Coming from a less philosophical angle, with sucess brings more reponsibilities and more stress. This keeps many people from "climbing the ladder".
  4. K

    Fear of failure: The greatest fear of all?

    "do or do not, there is no try" It also depends on how you would define "failure". Several of the more enlightned Juans on here would probably say that not approaching women is the real failure, not the rejection. Just like Yoda said, there really is no such thing as try. You don't try...
  5. K

    Fear of failure: The greatest fear of all?

    I have seen references to studies that state that people fear public speaking more than death itself. I was wondering about FAILURE. In my life experience and observing others, I have come to the conclusion that people might possibly fear faliure more than death as well. Most beginning...
  6. K

    The hottest race - which race produces the most HB's

    Arab women I'm suprised no one has mentioned Arab women yet. It's a shame that most of them have to be covered up by burqas. Have you ever see Jordan president King Abddullah's wife? She has Hollywood looks going for her.
  7. K

    rotator cuff questions!

    Missing link, what exercises do you do to strengthen your rotator cuff? i have seen a few big guys tear their rotator cuff, and I'm getting a little paraniod that might happen to me.
  8. K

    How much can you lift?

    Hmmmmm, a "how much can you lift" thread turns into an ego flame war, I never saw it coming! Now there is no way to prove these lifts, but I'm an honest dude and lying about would be pointless here goes: DL 500@179 the judge red lighted me, because the bar's movement stopped momentarly, but in...
  9. K

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    Master of the Universe, He-man still kicks ass! Anyways, i will be going to college in June, I have been out of school since 96, I'll be an old man(24 going on 25 this summer) I'll do the whole boot camp thing then, where there are opportnunites abound! i hope you are still around to coach me...