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  1. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    My job has had a serious impact on my health and fitness recently. Physically Im still fit and strong, and leaner than ever thanks to the very active job I have. BUT, I got to the gym yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks, my body weight is still dropping, and all my lifts are down...
  2. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    exercise program still giong well despite mad hours at work. Currently not doing anything int he gym, but working on push ups of various kinds, pull ups, chin ups, static holds, grip work. My current goal is to be able to hold a "flag" for a few seconds by the end of the month, somthing I...
  3. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    thanks Espi! I figure consistency over time is better than going all out for a few months and then forgetting about it like I used to! Ive set up a 3x a week training plan with a friend of mine whos in similar condition, mostly body weight training, stretching, gymnastics/parkour stuff. I...
  4. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    wow its been a month. My diet has been good, not perfect, but good, and Im still exercising regularly. Ive started a new job which is 55 hours or more a week, in a bar. This is getting me lots of money but playing havoc with my H+F regime as im burning loads of calories walking around for...
  5. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    Having had a think about my fitness goals, Ive decided to drastically cut back on weight training for a period, to focus instead on body weight training. For legs, I will be training for jumping/free running style moves. For upper body, having read this article here-...
  6. C

    Point to Having Kids?

    My son, who I had when I was 20, is such an amazing source of inspiration to me, motivation to be a better man. his simple Existance makes me happier than anything else ever would. All of you sitting here discussing the fiscal/moral/lifestyle/mother issues are missing the big point, that...
  7. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    yesterday- squats- warmups, 2x110kg 5x110kg but really ugly reps, not even to parallel after the first couple. 1x115kg 10x60kg pull ups 6 6 5 Happy with these. hamstring machine- 3x10 68kg glute barbell thrusts 3x10 45kg chin ups 3x5 Nice total body...
  8. C

    Anything to AVOID eating while bulking up?

    read the "simple starting diet" thread in the vault. But its pretty simple. Do eat- animals including eggs and milk, vegetables, fruit, whole grain carbohydrates eg oats, rice. Don't eat- anything else. Obviously its very difficult and not much fun to stick to that entirly, so you...
  9. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    last week - front squat warm ups to 3x5 70kg. Disappointing, but not unexpected. row- 3x5 70kg, but not a PR just yet as form was off slightly on latter reps. The ache next day confirmed I'm using my middle back to much. Pull ups- 3x5 felt very strong, I reckon I can start...
  10. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    gym a couple of days ago- havn't had internet access till now. Bench- warmups, 60kg 2x5 these felt really really difficult, but it turned out it was all in my head becaseu I called over a spotter and then did- 70kg for 3+1 assisted. 75kg for 3 reps, assisted. The first rep was almost all...
  11. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    Walking holiday- was awesome, and Im unfit, I was beaten up the moutains by a friend of mine who weighs 17kg less than me, he definatly had the advantage! Just proves how much more progress I can make with the cardio training. martial arts- good to start this again, I really ached after...
  12. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    Sat 29th. Squat bar x10 60x4 80x3 100x1 107.5kg 3x5 PR :cheer: Really difficult, completely new feeling of "ache" in my legs after these and some really SLOW reps. But got it all, and all reps were at least to parallel. Tried doing bench, but was totally shot from the squats...
  13. C

    what to do to burn away fat

    your best is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Im sorry to be harsh but you have to face reality mate. You say you cut out all junk food and did two hours of cardio a day for 2 months. If you had done that, you would have lost a LOT of weight. therefore either you wernt really doing cardio properly, or...
  14. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    yesterday- short and sweet, after a dance class barbell row (from the floor each rep warm ups to- 3x5 67.5kg PR stiff leg deads. 4 warm up sets to 1x5 with 100kg. My legs were knackered from martial arts, cycling etc, so I couldnt go all out with this. 110 is my PR but that was with...
  15. C

    What do I need to do to look "buff"

    Carlito, reguardless of training methods employed, going to the gym 5 times a week is excessive for a lot of people. It may work for you but it doenst mean it will work for OP. Ive found less is more with my workout, 3 times a week is more than sufficent for me, I can even go twice per week...
  16. C

    30 days without porn, I did it and so should you

    I quit porn about 6 months ago, I've relapsed a couple of times but generally I do good. I managed it, not through will power per se, but through limiting access. I only ever use public computers, so its impossible to look at porn! job done. Cure.
  17. C

    What do I need to do to look "buff"

    what Neon said! all the information you need is in "the vault" stickied at the top of the page. Eat some food!!! Also Neon, "rocket surgery"? Interesting combo :p Cure.
  18. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    A whole weeks worth to report! Ive had 3 martial arts sessions with associated cycle rides. which were great, although doing the martial arts classes has really shown the gaps in my fitness, my muscle conditioning is terrible, but cardio is acceptable and getting better with every run. I...
  19. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    Short and sweet today. Squats- barx10 40x3 60x3 80x3 100kg 3x5 much more like it compared to a few days ago!! only a few kilos of my all time max, this was difficult, and I wasnt going much past parrallel. Ive found I can engage my glutes/hams better with my feet on a block (ankle...
  20. C

    I need some muscle mass.

    But.. Carlito, whilst obviously knowlegable and sucessfull, holds a minority opinion on this forum. Most, including me, would reccomend a simple Squats based 3x5 routine, "Starting Strenth" being the most obvious one. Read 90% of the posts in "The vault", its all awesome advice, then come back...