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  1. C

    Another piece of the puzzle ?

    Well, if you're not a bad boy or a nice guy, what are you? What about wanting to be a bad boy, but not knowing how? Here's a question. Obviously, I have some issues in my own life, issues I have been trying to get over, figure out and put together for a long time, and the solution is probably...
  2. C

    The proccess of growing = Becoming good with women

    Oh yeah, I know a few people who got some chick knocked up, one who you could say had say rather afc tendencies and yet was a natural, long story about him. I mean, my head is just wrapped around this whole thing. What you said about you're freind, sounds like my cousin almost. She is...
  3. C

    The proccess of growing = Becoming good with women

    Well hey, I got some questions for ya'll. Maybe you can shed some light and insight on this. I work, whilst trying to balance school, so most of the time on days off, I find myself either doing nothing or trying to occupy the time without going crazy. I have a list of things to do, but find...
  4. C

    So... uhm... where should I start?

    Yeah. Yeah. It's me. Why do I do this? I really don't know. I do want help, but don't know the right way about getting it, plus it allows me to vent and try and solve things, but I got my head wrapped around so much that I can't even stop. It's more a mental thing than anything else, plus a...
  5. C

    Need serious help, about to turn 40 and never had a gf or sex

    I do alot of people watching, not sure if it helps, but I do. I go out alot, hours on end, only to come home and feel even more miserable than I did before. I gotta call a shrink to sort all this out for me. I am 23, and have felt the life passing me by thing for a long time. I felt that way at...
  6. C

    I'm leaving SoSuave. I learned a little bit.

    I relate, but I am more fat than skinny, and haven't sex or any other kind of activities, in over 3 years now. It's killing me. I can't get over this. I mean, I really have a hard time finding the will or energy to go out to bar's and stuff and be more social as I would like to be. Money is a...
  7. C

    So... uhm... where should I start?

    I have same/similar problems, how do I make the changes to achieve desider success? What part or side of me do I have to turn on? How do I let go of this mental baggage? I mean, how bad would they freak out over inexperience of any sorts? I mean when you are borderline still lives in parent's...
  8. C

    Hi there....

    Where do I get the blueprint decoded? Like you gotta link to it? Also, and I know this isn't advocated all that much on here, but I began reading the mystery method. All these methods,ideas,etc, where do I even begin? Also, in the blueprint, is there alot of superficial type stuff?
  9. C

    Hi there....

    Yeah. I have felt frustrated with women. Frustrated to where I am in long dry spells I just more or less want to desperatley get out of. Thing is, I am interested in multiple girls, more in the idea of, "hey, I would fck her". Fat,skinny, big tits,small,tits, I don't care. This has been my...
  10. C

    Hi there....

    New poster here. Not much time to explain about myself, but I sure do have lot's and lot's of questions. But to start things off, how exactly do you define an afc? I have the general idea, someone who seeks validation from women or put's them on a pedestal, someone who is needy, tries to...