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  1. Z

    Women and their Separation Anxiety?

    Thanks Blue Phoenix and everyone replying to this post, After reading those articles, I can't really compare the disorders they described there with my girlfriend. She doesn't go crazy when I'm separated from her, I've seen her cry over small things before too, so maybe she is just upset that...
  2. Z

    Women and their Separation Anxiety?

    Hey Guys, I tried searching around this forum for possible answers but I couldn't really find any in the realm I was looking for. The closest thread to my "problem" would be "I think I over-dj'd my girlfriend" by Enjin 7, and there weren't any answers there. So I've been dating this girl...
  3. Z

    Women and their Separation Anxiety?

    Hey Guys, I tried searching around this forum for possible answers but I couldn't really find any in the realm I was looking for. The closest thread to my "problem" would be "I think I over-dj'd my girlfriend" by Enjin 7. So I've been dating this girl for 8 months now and we have a sturdy...
  4. Z

    Loneliness Anxiety?

    Thank you for the advice guys. I will listen to the podcast right now. I agree with your comment on the free mind being able to wander all over even to unwanted places. It just seems like with me these kinds of situations tend to last a lot longer than others. And with the confidence thing...
  5. Z

    Loneliness Anxiety?

    Hello DJ Forum, I know this is my first post but I have been lurking this board for quite some time now. I got some good advice so thanks guys. But here's the problem I've been having and I hope some of you can shed some construction light on this topic. I'm your typical AFC, relationship...
  6. Z

    the state of just being

    amor fati