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  1. M

    My life is being destroyed.

    My life during the recent years has been a total disaster. People consider me weird. Have no idea why. My social skills suck. Not much friends. Last year I fell in love for the 1st time. And blew it up, as you can probably expect. That girl basically laughed over me. I was just so stupid. 1st...
  2. M

    Bad situation - being backstabbed by best friend

    ecently I have developed a lot thanks to these forums, pulled even a few girls from clubs :) I used to go there with my friends but now it is all over. Why must it be like that when everything is going so well, then always somebody must ruin this all. I used to have a huge oneitis problem. I...
  3. M


    damn, i've had this for like this whole year. I just want to ask is it possible to get some girl, if you have already made a LOT of AFC-mistakes and she is probably on low opinion about me.. I haven't talked to her for some time now, so things have cooled up. Could there be any chance, if I...
  4. M

    Importance of looks.

    How important is looks at high school? I have heard it is much more important than later, is it true? The thing is it possible to get some really hot girl while not having so good looks, just with game. I mean naturally I am not good looking. . Even if I am well groomed, have nice clothes, my...
  5. M

    How to build up reputation at HS?

    For like 11 years I have been nobody at my HS. Now I decided that I gotta change this. My status, social circle, value are all zero. How to improve them? Like most people/everybody have some prejudice of mine so it could be really hard to change this. If I suddenly like changed overnight, then...
  6. M

    Seriously fkd up

    Basically my heading says everything. I am just so pissed off that I wanted to post about it somewhere, I hope I don't break any rules... Last week I had a lot of time, so I had time to read these forums, game theory anything like that, and what I conluded from this: my life just worthless at...