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  1. B

    Long distance relationship

    Hey guys, love the site, i always pop back for a look every now and then. I have found great advice on this site, to help improve my game. Anyway im from australia, and I did a trip to the US. I had a great time and I met a couple of girls and I closed with both of them. I have been...
  2. B

    Other Forums...

    Hey Guys, Im a casual reader of this forum. I Check back every now and then and would like to put some of your techniques to work. Just a bit buisy working at this stage of my life... Just wondering what you guys think of these other forums like:
  3. B

    Signs of no interest?

    I met 2 new girls on the weekend, both while at a nightclub/pub. Both of them i was quite impressed with (both about 7s) as they initially showed signs of interest but then i just failed with getting the number. The first girl i got the attention of by teasing her as she walked by. She turned...
  4. B

    How to introduce yourself

    Just wondering what you guys think is the best way to introduce yourself to girls: 1) A random girl, that you want to pursue 2) Her mum 3) A friend (girl) you havnt seen in a while As in a kiss on the cheek, a hand shake, a hug, or no contact at all? Sorry just always felt...
  5. B

    3 dates so far...

    I thought you guys might say that It just seems like doing nothing is the wrong thing to do but i suppose i will have to give it a try thanks a lot guys
  6. B

    3 dates so far...

    She has been very distant lately and not getting back to me. So i called her today and she was hesitant to say what was happening, but i ended up getting her to spill. She basically said everything was really bad timing, and something happened on the weekend with another guy. It was...
  7. B

    3 dates so far...

    Thanks a lot mate, i have a lot to learn So the last time i made contact was yesterday. She sent me a txt an i replied. SO How long should i wait to ask her for another date?
  8. B

    3 dates so far...

    Thanks for your advice, yeh i have kissed her everytime since the first date, and i really felt i could have gone a lot further with her, but i didnt as i wanted to wait till maybe the 5th time i was with her. i got a msg from her today, it was my birthday. all i ggot was "happy birthday!"...
  9. B

    3 dates so far...

    I met this girl and i really like her, she is incredibly attractive and an interesting girl. Only thing is she is 4 years younger than me. She is 20 im 24. Anyway we have had 3 dates, First was dinner and a walk in the park. Then we went out to a nightclub together. then the other day we...