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  1. M

    A New Era Begins

    Personally, I hate this political correctness I agree with the tone that we're becoming de-maleized (if that's a word). I understand and can empathize with alot of different problems women face but I agree I don't think they have as many problems and road blocks as we've seen in the past... Why...
  2. M

    New philosophy on female friends

    Hmmmmm.... 1?... 2?... or 3?... Not a tough decision... #3 is the logical choice... 1. You get what you wanted years previously... (you probably don't really see her in that wanting way because she's no longer the challenge you faced and you've outgrown her to a degreee, but it comes full...
  3. M

    New philosophy on female friends

    Ooooopsss... forgot Ralfus how do you do that with the little face and the eyes that's pretty cool..... Peace
  4. M

    New philosophy on female friends

    Hmmmmm.... If you're seeing another girl right now, why would it bother this old "friend" if all she's interested in is finding a "no strings (sex, etc...)" type of relationship? Even if she does mean you indirectly... If she truly wants a no strings then you can go for it. Get a little rumpy...
  5. M

    How to handle their excuses for breakin/postponin the date, PLEASE RESPOND

    Hey Cougar - This is Maverick... just wanted to say that.... lol... I would go with one of the less extreme versions first and see how she reacts if she really cares she'll give you an option and show up for the date... if she doesn't hope you've been gathering home phone numbers while...
  6. M

    Getting a number doesnt mean high interest...why?

    Hmmmm... Go out and get some more phone numbers... that's an excellent suggestion... after all this is a numbers game... e.g. you could collect 7 number, be interested in numbers 1-4 , ignore 5-7, but 1-4 don't like you and later you find 5-7 really liked you... so you've just got to go...
  7. M

    confused by all these conflicting advice!

    Hey..... Here... here... I agree guys... It's more of a cat and mouse touchie feely sort of game when you start seeing a girl... Be gentle, playful and fun-loving about Kino you know your limits and you can judge by her reactions. Afterall, you've shown you're interest and this is a way...