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  1. R

    Just The Tip: What is it with women and tipping?

    Why is tipping such a huge thing when women? I read many stories about women complaining about a guy they’re out with or their boyfriend not tipping or not tipping what THEY think is “enough”. They claim it’s a red flag and a “sign of bad character”. I’ve even read stories where women always...
  2. R

    Is there a way to stop women from wanting to live with me?

    I keep running into this and in the past, women always get around to wanting to live together. Hell, I had a woman years ago who I was dating and she got evicted from her apartment and wanted to move her, her mother and her kid in with me. Needless to say I said hell no to that and ofcourse she...
  3. R

    Question about crazy girls

    In your experience, have the crazy ones (I mean more than normal, since all women are some level of crazy) ever come right out and admitted they’re bat**** crazy? In my experience the ones that didn’t admit they were crazy or give a warning, are the actual bad ones to watch out for. If a girl...
  4. R

    Women and jealousy

    I went to a bar last night with a girl friend of mine. This girl rejected me in the past, we’ve known each other for years but she’s cool and we don’t hangout that often. While we were out I kept noticing other women walking by me making eye contact, several would touch me as they went by me...
  5. R

    Certain types of rejections piss me off and others don’t bother me at all

    I’d been talking to this girl for a week and set up a date to which she said “sure!” to. She had to work all last week and was going to get back to me with a night she had off when her schedule came out. Didn’t hear from her for a couple of days and then she text me “hey, I’m really sorry about...
  6. R

    Did deadlifts for the first time in 4 months

    Haven’t done deadlifts in 4 months and I was surprised I hadn’t lost any strength in them. I was able to do my normal workout I did 4 months ago. I usually warm up with 10 reps of 135, then 8 reps with 195. Then I’ll do 10x5 with 255. It started to kick my ass on set number 7 though. I just use...
  7. R

    The articles are right, leftist women are definitely going after conservative men….I’m experiencing it

    Lately I’ve noticed I’m attracting an awful lot of lefty type women. When I say I’m attracting them I mean they’re making themselves appear in my orbit and making it obvious they are interested. I was on the elevator the other day at a friends apartment, I was leaving and the elevator stopped...
  8. R

    Communication is the new buzzword of 2023

    Men, don’t fall for this crap. Women everywhere complaining now “men need to learn how to communicate”. No. We don’t. Men communicate directly and women communicate indirectly, it would be a waste of time to even try. The reason I bring this up is I was seeing this girl for awhile and she...
  9. R

    Conflict avoidance/avoiding confrontation

    This is an issue that hardly ever gets talked about on here or on any dating platform, but it’s something many people struggle with. I’ve struggled with it for years because I was raised in a family where if you dated talk back to a adult there would be hell to pay, it’s caused me more issues...
  10. R

    What if all you’ve ever met are low to medium interest women?

    I’ve been thinking back over my entire dating history and history with women in general and in my entire life I can’t think of a single girl who ever had high interest in me right off the bat. Most of my experience is they’re either low interest or medium interest but they both eventually turn...
  11. R

    Women throwing themselves at a convicted killer

    This guy killed his own family and women still throwing themselves at him!
  12. R

    They’re blaming OLD on men now lol
  13. R

    Getting too comfortable too fast

    Does anyone else struggle with this? I think I’ve messed my brain up by doing one night stands and short flings that when I meet a girl I REALLY like, I tend to become too available, find myself being too comfortable after the 5th date or so. Im not growing the relationship or her interest in me...
  14. R

    Can I ask you guys something?

    How do you do it mentally? Like, how do you get dumped constantly (like after say a month) but still not carry around in your head all the things women that dumped you have said were wrong with you (their reasons for dumping you) without letting it make you crazy or crush your self esteem or try...
  15. R

    Try this for deadlifts next time

    I don’t deadlift every week, in fact, I haven’t done deadlifts in several weeks. When I do them I do ONLY them and nothing else, other than some light cardio on the ski machine (3,000 meters). warmup sets: 135x10, 185x8 workout sets: 235 (or whatever 65-70%of your max is) 8x5 I like doing...
  16. R

    Anyone have a worse date story than this?

    Went out with this girl last night, things were going very well or so I thought. We went to a concert she had tickets for. At the end we are sitting in the parking lot waiting on traffic to clear out, sitting on the tailgate of my truck. She was in her phone and looks at me and says “you don’t...
  17. R

    It’s never too late to shoot your shot I guess!

    Best man steals friends bride away at wedding.
  18. R

    Women can be stalkers too

    So much for men being the ones women claim to have to fear when it comes to rejection and thinking they’re owed sex, huh?
  19. R

    Women are still a mess even at 50
