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  1. W

    New Year's Day Problem

    thanks for the advice. I definitely will have them drive.
  2. W

    New Year's Day Problem

    hey guys. I came back home to miami from graduate school. I'm currently on my break. I've been going out almost everyday. Recently on one of my outings, I've met these two girls at a local restuarant. I went up to both of them, talked for about 40 minutes, got their number and invited them...
  3. W

    free ebook site.

    the dating advice is very generic... I think that you should continue to make this book free on the net. or charge 5 dollars at the most for this e-book. I briefly looked at it for about 20 minutes but I can't find any ideas that seperate you from every other PUA writers.
  4. W

    Wow, what a wake up call, I have been wasting everything this site has taught me.

    what is a purple nurpple..... is that some sort of titty twister? :D
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    Am I the only one that doesn't give a **** about "The Game"?

    oh man!!!not another david deangelo student
  6. W

    Text Messaging

    For me text msg is good but only if I'm on my daytime cell phone minutes. I don't own a regular phone. I hate burning up my cell phone. So, when there is something quick I need to say to a girl, I just write it to her via text msg.
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    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    Hey Gangsta.... you just paraphrased what he said already
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    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    getting rejected does suck... and I definitely agree with you that getting rejected in front of national television is pretty sad. If he had at least 1 number during the night that he was at the club, I would have respect for him. But he just seemed like a guy that had his **** in his hand ready...
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    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    The funny thing is that this guy was a pretty decent looking guy. I think that his problem was that he sounded to rehearsed. What he was saying to the girls really didn't fit his personality. His body language really didn't match what he was saying.
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    Mystery Method: MY Experience

    good post... Eventhough, I started a post that was not too promotive of mystery, I'm glad that his method has worked for you. Good thing that you didn't pay that $2000. I've heard another success story about the mystery method written by some writer from the rolling stones. I believe it's...
  11. W

    No Masturbation for 6 months! Join in!

    hey my man... I think that you are being to tuff on yourself. How about only masturbating once every 2 weeks. I think that is more like it. You are still sacraficing but you are not going beyond the impossible ranges. 6 months is a little too extreme buddy. Just a thought.
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    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    Re: Re: Re: Re: The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work for a news show as widely watched as ABCnews, don't you think that mystery should have went to the clubs to be social proof for those who might be interested in p\paying 2500 dollars and for those who doubt him? You have to admit that the AFC...
  13. W

    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    Re: RE: Good thinking seldomseen. I wish this guy would have seen your advice before paying 2500 plus mysteries personal expenses. He could have paid about $1250 by going shopping at a local outlet mall and still have $1250 left in change to cover for 6 months of dating.
  14. W

    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    Re: Re: The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work Your arguement is flawed. First off, I'm alot brighter than you will ever be or can ever be. Secondly, I'm 25. Third, I'm a second degree black belt in the martial arts and I love martial arts movies (reason why I chose that name). Fourth, Wutang Clan is...
  15. W

    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    Re: RE: Thanks for the link Seldom.. I thought it was 20/20 that showed the segment... I wish they had video clips of this guy in action. I can't believe that he spent 2,500 dollars plus Mystery's personal expenses on a 3 day seminar. He could have came to this site for free, get the info...
  16. W

    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    Re: Re: The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work The 20/20 special on the AFC was comedy at its finest moment. I was just cracking up on how funny it was. It was 10 times funnier than Adam Sandler's movie "Happy Gilmore." What mystery should have done was to ask one of his more experience students...
  17. W

    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    I was watchin 20/20 about a month ago and they had a special on PUA: Particullarly the mystery method. They showed mystery giving his classes. Afterwards, they spoke to one of his students and that student agreed to be social proof for the camera crew. the camera crew and him went to a night...
  18. W

    Is online a cool place to meet chickes?

    Hey everyone, I live in a small college town. I have tried dating females here and there. But it seems to me that many of the females like to play games. One day they are interested in me and the other day they aren't. Then when I lose interest... They call me out of the blue to see how I'm...
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    8 hour sarge

    where is the report? I'm still waiting... was this just all talk?
  20. W

    (free) Don Juan The Computer Game... Click To Download

    Hey Blue, If you are trying to play the game without being connected to an online service. It won't work.. For some strange reason, you need to be connected to the internet....