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  1. C

    Age and Maturity

    In your opinion are these two things related? Will a 22 year old girl always act like a child with a woman's body or does it depend on the individual and their life experiences. Obviously there will be exceptions however statistically what do you think?
  2. C

    Cluster A Man and Cluster B woman

    I was reading the post about "Age is just a number" and noticed the post by jophil28. Well after doing some research I noticed that Cluster A people are more likely to be men and Cluster B are more likely to be women. I also think I know someone like this, he's not a close a friend (he used...
  3. C

    Wife goes to Club/Bar

    frivolousz21 - There's my point exactly. A guy who says I would never except that behaviour from a woman however I lied, drank prob cheated etc. Basically a guy who expects perfection who is far from perfect. Funny! Dude she didn't stay with you because you where the law-giver (jeez...
  4. C

    It's us vs. them

    Guys I wouldn't look at Eastern Europe as anything to look up to. Those countries are rough and tough (very macho led) and the women I would suspect expect their men to be as such. Most women from there would eat a western man alive and do... It's like dating a stripper and wondering how...
  5. C

    Dealing with a needy woman

    I don't want to "next" her as there are alot of good qualities she has however I need to sit her down and explain to her that: 1. I'm not there for her all the time. I have my own life. 2. Not to use emotional blackmail to get her own way. She uses the b.s. line of me not being as in to her...
  6. C

    Money issues

    i've started going out with a new 21 year old girl and she's a student with little money. Up to now i've prob payed 66% of the costs and we've intentionally done cheaper things however I want to do more and I know she can't afford it. I make good money so I don't mine paying however this could...