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  1. F

    One thing that gauruntees results....

    wolf: what you're saying is a pretty big misunderstanding in my opinion. first of all, people won't just 'turn into a marathon runner' from running a few times a week. just like many bodybuilders get mad when people don't want to lift because they 'fear putting on muscle,' many runners find it...
  2. F

    Navy Seals Training Program

    Mr Plow: that's a very impressive time for anyone...when do you have to accomplish this by? I would recommend getting on a standard half marathon plan. Although the half marathon event is longer (13.1 miles instead of 10), they typically last several months at a time and one would be great...
  3. F

    Pre-Work out supplements

    Pre-workout supplementing? Hi all, I'm in high school. My track season starts in a week. I've been lifting a little bit on my own but I can't put on much mass because I run the 800 and 1600. However, I'd like to keep lifting to gain strength (and of course some mass ;) ). I plan on...
  4. F


    Hi everyone, Long-time reader, first-time poster on this board. In a recent thread ("How big is too big") several posts who I greatly respect mentioned the importance of posture. I was wondering if anyone had some general tips or resources for improving one's posture. Thanks.