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  1. S

    Where Did My Post Go!!!!!!!!!!

    Ding Ding Ding .... are you kidding me? Are you sure this is the mature forum? Hey Stormbinger - thanks for the tip... I didn't realize that was the way they screen people being that anyone could put any age under their name...
  2. S

    Where Did My Post Go!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm Anthony - I'm new to the forum - posted something the other day and got a few responses from a few people which was cool and then the post just disappeared.... it's cool i just wanted to find out why - whatever though it's over and done with....
  3. S

    Where Did My Post Go!!!!!!!!!!

    OK SO WHY DID A MODERATOR DELETE MY POST??? I got a few responses but did someone think that the question wasn't suitable enough for this board. Whoever deleted it please explain to me why? Are there boundaries as to what can or cannot be asked on here. Sorry if you thought it was a stupid...