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  1. K

    Testicular Pain

    seriously, your not willing to shell out 40 bucks to save your nads?
  2. K

    GYM and Diet Advice for a Newbie (needed)

    waht exactly do you mean by 3 times a day?
  3. K

    GYM and Diet Advice for a Newbie (needed)

    I've been going to the gym for 3 times week almost 2 month now with no real intention other then familariazing myslef with some of the equipment and keeping generally fit. Yesterday, I met up witha fireind of mine who is an experienced builder to get on a real routine. He want me to up to 5x a...
  4. K

    Getting back with Ex-Girlfriend.

    Take it from experience DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!! I was in this Exact situation jsut overa year ago. It literally led to a nervous breakdown. You'll likely get attached and then hurt. I wihs i would of had soemone tell me this. yur lucky you have these forums.
  5. K

    I need help, Im in the Friend zone

    Getting out of the freind's zone is no easy task that's for sure. But it is not impossible. I've done it. It took a couple years on and off. I found that my luck with the girl completely changed for the better when I began ignoring her and pursuing other girls. She got jealous and before i knew...
  6. K

    Ex-GF Dilemma/ Advice please!

    She dumped me-but not for another guy. Becuase she was leavign the country. SHe ended up comming back and we continued hooking up w/p assigning ourselves a title and i basically got attached. and the other guy... thanks for replying!
  7. K

    Ex-GF Dilemma/ Advice please!

    So, I havn't talked to my ex since october, I literally had a nervous breakdown after findinng her making otu with another man. Long story short, I recovered but it wasn't easy. Now, I feel I am in a better place mentally and physically since the incident. Here where your advice comes in...