Search results

  1. Q

    50 Game '08

    hot dental hygienists I went to my new dentists office a coup' days ago and there were amazingly gorgeous dental hygienists working there. i was having a field day flirting and having fun. unfortunately/fortunately i had a few cavities so there was no press for numbers and what not cuz i'll...
  2. Q

    50 Game '08

    bad night clubbin I went out in the city I'm in for business. Went to a club everyone said was good even though my wingman bailed. Roll in around 1030 and no one is there. The place was dead until 1130. After that a group of the girls come in two of them aren't cute at all, but one of them...
  3. Q

    50 Game '08

    joining Sup all. I just caught a glimpse of this, and y'all can count me in. I need something for motivation cuz I've been slacking and out of the game for a while, and just out of a relationship. Done wit' the school so it's the real world game for me. Any help would be appreciated. Q