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  1. T

    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    im up here in fairbanks, alaska :P
  2. T

    Home Town Girls

    I thought about doing that earlier, but I figured I'd get a few other opinions first. I'm done with putting up with that kind of lame stuff women do. Me putting up with it only reinforces the AFC image that I have had, and doesnt improve things at all. Time to Man Up. -Trent
  3. T

    do u believe u can become a real confident person or i guess "alpha" if u werent

    I believe that you can become more of a confident person. I myself have gotten a major boost in confidence in the past couple years. I had catarax when I was 4 months old, and they had to remove the lenses from my eyes. As a result, growing up, I had large LARGE glasses. I also wore pretty BAD...
  4. T

    Home Town Girls

    Hello there, This is my first time posting on this site, so bear with me. I am a 22 yr old guy living here in the interior of Alaska. I grew up in a small town about a hundred miles south of Fairbanks (I dont expect that any of you know where that is). In this small town, everyone knew...