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    Girl asks you to go to ballet.

    My X would ask me to go to stuff I normally would not do. Know what? Some of it was OK. I went, not for her, but because it was new and different. New and different is good.
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    Responding to "I love you"

    I'll be honest, I don't have a lot of experience with lots of different girls, but: my last gf would use the "I love you..." for lots of different reasons. Usually as a test, or after a fight, or if she just needed reasurrance. It didn't always mean the "I seriously love you forever and we will...
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    Conflicting Advice

    One of the reasons I'm here is I did try the first few weeks of boot camp, then, probably before I was ready, started cold approaches. I tried mostly in the Malls, not too good. Couple digits, they were fake. Had better luck in, believe it or not, the grocery store. I've tried too many different...
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    Conflicting Advice

    Thanks for the links. I didn't know about Gunwitch or the Learn to Pimp stuff, but looks good. I'm out of a 4yr with my gf from college. She took a job on the west coast after graduation. I didn't want to go. We split, so its been a pretty sh*tty summer. Had mixed results with girls this...
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    Conflicting Advice

    I’m new and have been reading the bible. I’m not dumb enough to think there is only one way to go about it; but it can be confusing. Some parts say don’t say much to women, ask open-ended questions, let them do lots of the talking. Then, like in speed seduction, you should take control of...