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  1. P

    My "Brand New Person" Game Plan

    Thanks guys, all the best. I kinda changed my outlook on the whole game thing though after I n-closed the first girl. Be creating a post in general on this.
  2. P

    My "Brand New Person" Game Plan

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to share what I will be doing in the upcoming weeks. Let me give you a little background how this happened anyway. --- Basically I meet this girl, I get the one-itis thing, I finally ask her out, and she bloody blows me off by telling me she's busy till some...
  3. P

    How do you guys deal with what others think of you?

    There are a truckload of hotties riding the public transport every damn day where I am. But anyway thanks for the responses. To quote something I saw on a blog, "WHATS THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN" lol. WTG. Liked the "leader of the pack" idea purported up there.. Props :up:
  4. P

    How do you guys deal with what others think of you?

    I've had lots of opportunities to pick up girls on the public train and bus but it's always this thing that holds me back. What the other million people around us are going to think when I walk over to her and say "Hi I've noticed you looking at me from opposite etc etc" How do you guys...