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  1. S

    Kino - how to get started.

    I've been reading quite abit on kino just lately as it's an area of my game I want to improve. I'm not a very "touchy-feely" kind of person, I guess I think it makes people feel a bit uncomfortable deep down, but want to become one. How did you get started? What are your top kino tips?
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    Email Game @ Work

    Thanks for all the responses so far guys. It seems most tell a cautionary tale! It's not too bad from a work point of view for the following reasons. We work at different offices. Thus it's not an everyday thing as I haven't seen her since the course. I don't imagine she's doing it for...
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    Email Game @ Work

    So... a girl I trained on a course a couple of weeks back emailed me today, saying how much she enjoyed meeting me and how I was a great guy etc. What suggestions can you make taking this forward. The last time I played this game at work was some time ago now and with a girl I knew pretty...
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    Evening party wear?

    I'm going to an evening do pretty soon. Following a work conference. What are your tips for style? It's not black tie so just need to have a cool, sexy look. No jeans also! :)
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    Mellowing as i age

    you know what... something I'm seeing a lot of around the net on forums and the like is that... 30 is the new 20. Cool beans
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    Here's the thing, I kinda find it difficult improving my game. Something thats kinda been coming to me, thinking about some musicians and singers saying how when they're performing they have an alter ego, is maybe I should I try this? Give myself an alterego when I go out. Good idea/bad idea...
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    Let the girls come....

    I've only just started thinking about the whole "game" thing and being a DJ or a PUA. After reading a few of the things I have online and I just finished Styles The Game, I am gradually adapting myself, I can feel things changing within me, which is cool. I just wanted some opinions on a...
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    UK DJ's - holler here.

    Hey Shezz, I note from your blog you been hitting the town in Wakefield! I been there a few times with work friends - how'd ya find it?
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    StripClub Game

    Thanks bro. You're a very helpful person! If you ever need anything - just call! :trouble:
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    StripClub Game

    Im looking for tips on using your game when in a strip club. The clubs over here are "no touch" policy so kino is gonna be hard! Any suggestions?
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    UK DJ's - holler here.

    You guys ever come up North?
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    UK DJ's - holler here.

    Any DJ/PUA's from the United Kingdom? Speak up ppl. :) I'm in Leeds.
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    Can you be a good DJ/PUA whilt in an LTR?

    lol. Great words WestCoaster. However, I genuinely do care for my LTR. I don't particularly want the relationship to end. I like it. My last post refers, I just want to brush up on some techniques. Nights out etc, hanging out around town you never know when you might be faced with an...
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    Can you be a good DJ/PUA whilt in an LTR?

    Cool. Thanks for the replies guys. I guess I need to think about what goals I have here, if any other than those already mentioned! I think I'm initially approaching this from the view point of can I still do this? I've been out of the game for a while now and want to know if I can attract...
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    Can you be a good DJ/PUA whilt in an LTR?

    I want to learn to be a good PUA/DJ but am in an LTR. How can I achieve this without being "caught"?!