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  1. B

    Recovering AFC

    The ironic part is I had the front page of this site bookmarked for months never really looked at anything besides the tips and articles linked in the front. I had no idea what powerful stuff was really on here. I'm greatful to have found it.
  2. B

    Recovering AFC

    I certianly understand that I am at the start of the road. Anyway I guess the whole point is that the road never ends actually, you always need to be working, improving and living no matter how far you have come.
  3. B

    Recovering AFC

    Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself. I am a recovering AFC for 5 days now. Please allow to explain how I got here and the incredible changes that have happened recently. Like most of you I was an AFC. I mean really, really out there. Shy, cluless how to deal with women, one-itis...