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  1. S

    how do I look?!?!

    You are above average BUT: I think the background to the pics lets them down. Your 'look' as other posters have mentioned does not scream confidence. Great news is you can work on that. It might just be she was turned off because you don't fit her architype in terms of 'tribal...
  2. S

    Triangular Gazing

    Thanks guys, Yes she has been showing multiple other IOI's but then again she is seeing someone else, although he has no clue and is a total supplicating afc, by her admission he doesn't do it for her. I think it's a case of there being enough IOI's (her initiating Kino, ddb...
  3. S

    Triangular Gazing

    Hey, A question about a female friend I have, now i'm a rAFC but on the path to improvement through inner game and developing myself, so i try and place little importance on any one girl, or any interaction. However i noticed we were sat talking for a few hours in my car the other day...