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  1. S

    body shakes when you are really hungry?

    It is a classic low blood sugar symptom. S See a doctor if you have not changed your excercise routine or eating habits to the extreme. I mean extreme like you use to run 15 miles a week and you started to suddenly run 50 miles a week or you are used to a 2400 calorie diet a day and you...
  2. S

    does weightlifting stunt growth?

    Power lifting can. If you build your muscles to a point where they restrict bone growth. This doesn't happen by accident. You have to be dedicated pushing yourself to exhaustion each time you lift. If you work out medium hard with wieghts at about 10 to 8 reps you will tone and build a fair...
  3. S


    You can plan your workouts and your diets and all that. 95% of the time you will not stick to it. Pull the trigger. Get a personal trainer. Here in Dallas for about $50 per hour three times a week for $600 every four weeks. They will work you till exhaustion. They will change your workout up...
  4. S


    Try a mixture of Dinabol and Deca. I do not know if I spelled Dinabol correctly. Deca has a longer name. But if you do some web searches you should find the right medical identifications. Dinabol is oral. You cycle up from 1 pill a day to about 3 or more over a 3 week period. Deca is an...