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  1. P

    Going from 14% to 10% body fat

    i would suggest some hiit sprinting to go along with the exercise regime i had used a similar diet to cut my way to 10% bf. when you get sushi, try sashimi if you can stomach the taste. it is much healthier.. if you get sushi, get nigiri. do not get the rolls, that's like eating mcdonalds...
  2. P

    how did i go wrong?

    Thanks for the advice des. This girl has low self esteem. She sucks big time at badminton and had the birdie hit into her eye a couple of time. We were joking around and she pretty much admits to be incapable. Also she is like 28 with a really hot body but avg face and I just turned 22. I just...
  3. P

    how did i go wrong?

    ok so i met this girl at a local sports club and we played together for about 1 hour, and afterwards talked with her for about 15 min doing some slight kino. the convo was mainly about herself and she found out im a couple of years younger than her. during the convo it was mentioned that she was...
  4. P

    close a girl in front of her bf

    has anyone succeeded? how?
  5. P

    losing weight too fast = new wardrobe?

    they are designer jeans made by A/X and true religion. I don't want huge muscles. Just some toning and definition. I'm asian, and asian girls here don't like guys with huge muscles, as strange as it sounds. Whats a good weight to stop cutting and maintain the weight while toning? when gaining...
  6. P

    losing weight too fast = new wardrobe?

    in the past few years i gained a lot of weight, from 150lbs in high school to 165lbs to eventually 200 lbs at the end of 2007 with over 20% bf. now i'm around 158 lbs.. with around 14% body fat. i'm 21 and 5'11. i use to wear 34'' jeans.... i just bought two pairs of designer jeans last...
  7. P

    whats this mean

    when a guy does this to a girl eye contact for a few seconds looks down look back up and smirks is this alpha behavior or just plain insolence
  8. P

    GUIDE TO CUTTING for real?

    I would post it in that thread but it has too many pages and no one will read it. Is this a typo in the guide when it says: 8. Suggested macro nutrient ratios: Carbs: 1-1.2g / # body weight Protein: 2g./ # body weight Fat : as little as possible, take one tablespoon of flaxseed oil...
  9. P

    arnold's encyclopedia recommends 4 sets

    Arnold in his encyclopedia recommends 4 sets for each of the exercise in a workout, with multiple exercises per body part, and each body part worked out 2 or 3 times a week. The first set should be somewhere from 14 reps, then the 2nd 10-12, 3rd 8-10 and 4th less than 8 reps. This is drastically...
  10. P

    did i get shotdown

    I would appreciate it if some of the more experienced posters would give me some advice on where I messed up. I'm a college kid and this is my first shot at asking a girl out. I have decided to become a MAN. Ok this one works in a tea shop. My first impressions. I had visited the shop a...