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  1. S

    How many of You cheat in LTR ?

    All you ask this: does cheating please yourself? It so, its ok. Remember that if perform a more solid LTR the social statics will counter you (all the people like here, that blamed you about what you are doing), and if you are caught... its the end of the term. Anyway I would feel free to...
  2. S

    Gonna Stage a Fight Tonight to Impress a Woman

    This might be the best *unkown* part... I think this can end worst that being incredibly Crush & Burned in the middle of a disco by a top hot babe that didnt like you... If being rejected can be a pain with bad inner game, what can be this after that spectacle? :woo:
  3. S

    Does all this seduction/pick up stuff work on all types of women?

    Dont see anything wrong either... even though it is reported by best ... (DJs?) that is the worst place to be in action. Surely is the worst place because is the most difficult.... About the topic, we can mainly separate between hot babes that are actually the good ones, and cold babes, that...
  4. S

    DJ vs PUA styles

    Feel this You just doesnt say this kind of things when other people post **** that is practically content in this words... (Specially the 3rd and the 4th ones)
  5. S

    Gonna Stage a Fight Tonight to Impress a Woman

    This actually sounds as a Mr. Knight trying to save Ms. Princess from the dragon claws... stupid kind of AFC mentality (too many Disney films in mind)
  6. S

    Gonna Stage a Fight Tonight to Impress a Woman

    Why do you think you are going to impress her?
  7. S

    DJ vs PUA styles

    Since I came here, I've been reading some threads and imho I feel there is so much liberty in most of them, despite everything is explain in most important ones and also sometimes, possibly negatives PUA attitudes are encouraged as good DJ ones... For explample, what is going on about...